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Not quite a location per se, more of an occurrence everybody tries to avoid, a change storm is a special kind of arcane storm. Striking out of nowhere, often without any prior warning signs, it rains malicious energies upon anyone unfortunate enough to be caught up in it. Change storms are known to twist forms and change substance. They are known to alter living creatures and inanimate objects alike. Such a storm refracts, warps, reshapes, mutates, and changes everything and everyone it touches in the most disconcerting, morbid, and repulsive ways fathomable. The effects of a change storms are a perverse violation of all anatomical structures – and the changes may very well be permanent. Therefore, change storms must be avoided at all costs, or, one caught up in it has to muster all sorcerous defenses at their disposal to get out unaffected.

The artwork for this terrifying occurrence was created by the legendary Péter Kovács, who did an amazing job encapsulating the unnatural and deeply disturbing qualities of the storm. Players purchasing our next DLC will have the chance of outrunning, or, barring that, will be forced to weather change storms. Be on the lookout for the signs before it hits!

The Lost Pilgrims Team



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