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This week marks the addition of Leader Status and Perk Summary panes to the Leader UI. And although it might seem a superfluous gain, these will round out the status effect AI as well as the information provided about Perks, so it is indeed a very important milestone in our march towards completing the game.

Let's look at these in little more detail.

Leader Status

All kinds of long-lasting and temporary status effects can be received that affect the vagrus, your character, and these are listed on this pane. Its addition became especially important with the coming of Faction rewards, many of which provide bonuses borne by the leader of the comitatus (while companion- and crew-related effects get listed on their respective UI elements).

Perk Summary

With this addition, you'll finally be able to check each Perk's cumulative value. These are collated from your vagrus, your companions (including their Gear), equipment, and enduring effects. You can also see the breakdown of these Perks ordered into categories. Naturally, this UI only shows Professions and Attributes, as only these can be gained from multiple sources.

Next time, we'll take a brief look at Faction rewards. Exciting times!

The Lost Pilgrims Team



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