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There were a number of project milestones that we managed to unlock recently over at fig. Some of these are quite big and we are very excited to be able to work on them as they make the game better and deeper by what they bring to the table. Let's take a quick look at what is being developed currently:

Enhanced Sound Effects: In this case, enhanced really means that instead of using patched-up sound library files we bought, we're able to make our own sound effects, and this is especially important for combat, and specifically for monsters, characters, or even skills with unique sounds. We asked for the additional funding to be able to work with a sound designer and SFX artist, and we ended up finding the right professional in Gábor Szabó here in Budapest. He's been busy grinding through a long list of combat sounds and we keep adding them to the game as they are getting done.

Vagrus Creation: This is the big one from a replayability and creative aspect. After it is added to the game (and we are very close to finalizing it), you will be able to create your own character in a dedicated section at the beginning of a new game. Previously, we were thinking about having an elaborate Event do the trick, but this is way better and gives way more depth, so we are very satisfied of how it is coming together. There are so many variations for a character coming from Race, Background, Calling, and Ambition that we think players will have a lot of fun dreaming up characters (as well as min-maxing builds).

Manual Save: This is another big one, but more from a gameplay and ease-of-use perspective. We never intended to make a rogue-like or similar system for such a heavily narrative-driven RPG as Vagrus, but for 'Pilgrims of the Wasteland', autosave at checkpoints as well as at the beginning of each day was enough and so we concentrated on other areas. For the huge and complex Open World campaign, however, we had to have manual saves and we are very happy to be able to allocate resources to develop that. 

Which brings us conveniently to:

The (Hopefully Pretty Close) Future: Open World Campaign:

It is coming, rest assured. We are very close to smoothing out some issues that are only natural when you are doing something this complex and this large. From a writing and story perspective, the content we wanted to release initially is already done and the team is working on adding the Codex entries. Art is similarly close to being final, with SFX and music lagging behind a bit. So we are indeed pretty close to finally putting this large part of the final game out and see what you all think about it. Incidentally, this last leg of the grind is going to be enhanced vastly by the next milestone, so all the help is much appreciated.

Thank you again for the continued support, Vagrus is shaping up pretty good because of You!

The Lost Pilgrims Team



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