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We went to London to exhibit Vagrus at AdventureX 2019 on the first weekend of November and it's time to talk a bit about all the amazing things that happened there. 

The two-day event was full of awesome speakers who gave talks about the aspects of narrative in video games, be it writing, design, methods of storytelling, or other intriguing subjects. Wish we had more time to attend these but the two of us very so busy talking to participants and showing off Vagrus that we could only watch a handful of speakers, taking turns. We did have a great time chatting with people though - the event was very cozy, intimate even: a lot of like- and open-minded people coming together for a common interest's sake.

Similarly, we had too little time to check out the projects of many fellow indie devs who were also exhibiting there but many mages looked fantastic even at a cursory glance. Although the majority of titles were pure adventure games, the sheer variety and inventiveness of the genre blew us away - no two games were too similar. Just like Vagrus is a hybrid of narrative adventure, RPG, and strategy, some games showcased at AdventureX were displaying platformer elements, while others were puzzle games at heart or cinematic adventures.

The upside was, of course, that there was always someone talking to us about the game and someone else playing at the same time. Many attendees ended up playing for over an hour, reading stories and learning game mechanics, which is not a typical sight at gameshows. A lot of people loved Vagrus, the kind words and exclusively positive feedback was really heartwarming. Many of those we spoke to would not believe that such a small team could develop something this ambitious in such a short time.

This, together with how smoothly the event was organized made AdventureX 2019 a fantastic gameshow experience. If you are interested in narrative-heavy games and have the chance to visit the next show, we highly recommend taking part. Given the chance, we would surely go again.

Geri, Lost Pilgrim



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