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We attended yet another game show, this time in Jönköping, Sweden, where DreamHack was born more than ten years ago. While DreamHack Summer is somewhat smaller than its big brother, DH Winter, it still blew our minds, with thousands of players moving in for three days... and by moving in we literally mean taking their PCs, chairs, and air-mattresses with them.

But let's back it up for a second, as the story starts earlier. We were sought out by the DreamHack team thanks to a previous connection with one of the organizers. After we applied for the show's competition, we won the 'Official Selection' title in the Strategy / Simulation category, meaning we could go and showcase Vagrus in a 3x3 meters booth for free.

After much consideration, we bought plane tickets through Copenhagen, rented a car there and drove to Jönköping (map here) through the night. We got too tired, though, so we had to stop for a couple of hours, which meant sleeping in the car.

It was actually more comfortable than it looks on the picture; the real challenge was crawling in and out. 

We got plenty of players checking out Vagrus, which kept us busy on all three days we were there. The new record holder, the cool gentleman gripping his hat in excitement, played for over two hours straight! :)

Our most prominent visitor was, of course, the lady on the right side of the picture above. Cosplayer Mie Zie arrived from Germany after winning tickets to DreamHack with her awesome costume, and she was just super nice (not to mention the amazing cosplay!).

She's also an avid table-top role-player of Pathfinder, and enjoyed playing Vagrus to a great deal - by her account.

With the selection process mentioned earlier, all together a dozen studios got the chance to present their games in the IndieGame playground area, and another handful in the student section. Truth be told, after repeating our pitch to visitors a few dozen times it was a delight to break away and chat with the other developers about their experiences. We may have engaged in some after hours activities together as well. ;)

The other interesting piece of news from DreamHack Summer is that we participated in a pitching contest and got to the finals; another laurel beside the Official selection one.

In summary, DreamHack Summer was a fantastic experience and we feel that it added to the attention Vagrus is getting, which - in turn - results in a better game for all players. Naturally, all this would not have been possible without your continued support, so we again take the opportunity to thank you guys a lot!

The Lost Pilgrims Team



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