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This is a week we have been waiting for so long. Finally we can announce some pretty cool things coming up. Well, as our most informed supporters, you have heard about some of them but probably not this one yet.

Reboot is a game conference taking place in Dubrovnik, Croatia for the sixth time this year. It grew from a small event to be one of the most prestigious B2B gaming events in Europe... and we will be there showcasing Vagrus to fellow studios, publishers, and second most importantly for us: press representatives.

What's more important than press? The team. We were considering other gaming events as well but decided to attend Reboot for its proximity to our location in Budapest, which allows us to hop into a car and drive there, all four of us from the core team. It will be our very first gaming event but also the first time we travel together somewhere, a team building of sorts, so we are all very much looking forward to it.



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