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Well, I came back yesterday from Alabama (east coast resident) but I had to spend some time recuperating. Although I bought supplies to stay put when cat 4-5 was in the mix I, along with several other people decided we should run instead. Closest place that had rooms that allowed pets for under $200 a night was 6 hours away. We had 4 vehicles worth of people/ things. 3 since my sister's car broke down along the way.

Now when I say recuperating I don't mean resting. I mean things like:

- Rebuilding my work area (dismantled everything and stored it in high ground since I was within a mile from the flood zone and a hurricane like this was unprecedented so I had no idea what the risk was). This includes a heavy duty arm setup to hold my cintiq and the cintiq itself (thankfully I kept the boxes/ padding).

- Removing brush/ debris from my house.

- Attempting to save what I could of my pool water. Very low on my list of priorities but if I could help it why not. Got the debris out and spent a lot of time cleaning it. Now it's only a matter of time before I know if I can reconstitute what I have or if I have to drain/clean/start over.

- Tetrising contents of one shed that's now falling apart to another.

- Assessing/ reporting damage to my roof.

- Helping my sister find her car. They were supposed to tow it back to my dad's place. She couldn't find it in her neighborhood or my around my dad's place and was freaking out. We needed supplies (her kid is autistic and doesn't eat anything other than very specific things and she was out because she kept it all in her trunk for the evac and all the stores were out) so we scrambled to look for it. We questioned people around here and someone remembered seeing a tow truck head to an empty lot nearby. Sure enough the car was there.

- Helping a friend move some stuff to our place so he and his dog and cat has a place to stay since their place got flooded. Minor help with my mom since she won't have power for a few days and she needed a place to stay and didn't want her food going to waste.

Etc. All in all there was some damage done but nothing catastrophic. Although I do have a long list of inconveniences/ headaches from it all but it's hard to complain considering how bad other people had it because of this hurricane. All in all I feel we lucked out here despite losing so much time/ money on something I had no control over. It could have been so much worse if not for a few freak occurrences being on our side. Other places... not so much. I hope they bounce back. And holy shit at what happened in Haiti.

I've resumed drawing again. Crossing my fingers that nothing else happens. Between this and two people being shot, one dying in front of my window I feel like I'm getting signs to move way the hell away from here afterall.

Hope everyone else is fine.



I'm glad things more or less worked out for you, at least in perspective to how it could have gone ;a; I hope it's not to difficult to bounce back after this


Wow sounds like a lot happened indeed Have a good rest, hope you'll feel better soon and that everything will go back to how it should be soon 💜


Wow. Sounds like you went through a lot of things but glad nothing more bad did happen. I hope that soon everything can go back to normal life.

Dox Drakes

Glad to hear you're safe, get yourself some well deserved rest!


Good god, it is great to see you made it out of there. I hope you can settle back in soon, and maybe moving wouldn't be the worst idea.


and the moral of the story is...don't live in Florida! Haha, I kid. Glad to hear everything's pretty much okay. Hope to hear from ya soon!


I'm glad you're alright! Hope you have a good rest


At least you and your family is safe and sound

Adrian Baddgor

good to hear your still alright