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Its wild that Im finally going to doctors and getting the help I need for anxiety and general health

I dont think I would have been able to make all of the appointments and lab visits I did this month without supporters like you all

I hope that the anxiety meds Im taking now will even me out but even if it doesnt Im working with professionals to get myself in a better place physically and mentally

I want to live better and I want to do better... and this community has helped me in ways you cant even imagine

Thank you all... I dont think I could be doing this without you





Glad things are looking up for you!!


Health issues, both physical and mental (and especially together!) can be brutal. I'm glad you're getting the help you need!


I'm glad you're doing better, dude!! Best of luck to you and I'm happy to help support you!!


Super happy for you! It's a great feeling to finally lift weight like that. I can't wait to see how it reflects in your art. ♥


Take care of yourself


your health is important, so take care ;)


So glad to hear that you're feeling better, and I'm humbled to think I had even the slightest effect on that. I just wanna wish you all the luck in the world! ♥️


Glad to hear this! Take care!

Ramzyuu Caelyn

*raises a Vitus* to your health and well-being, my dude!


Just remember.. you have a ton of people that are supporting you and care about your well being! :)

Tazer Silverscar

Hey, best to look after yourself first and foremost. Can't look after anyone else's needs when you're occupied with yours. Or at least, you're not supposed to. Take care!


Awesome sauce, glad you’ve got some pros in your corner. More than happy to be a patron. Take care of yourself, rooting for you!


Glad to hear and hope things work out well for you~


Glad to hear you are getting to go to the docs. We are rooting for you!

Stoker Bramwell

Hey I'm just happy things are looking up for you. I've been concerned for a while now. I'm glad you have the support you need and proud to have contributed even a little bit towards it 💜

Greer Agrendale

I'm going through the same thing. Take your time and try not to shy away from all those needles for blood work like I have been. It seems the two of us are finally getting the help we need, so best of luck to us both.


Glad to hear you're getting help! Hope you feel better soon!


Mental health issues are exhausting, take it easy and focus on getting better. Not to be that guy, but if you don't do any exercise, consider doing so- it helps. The endorphins are a nice feeling, being too exhausted to stress out over something doesn't hurt, and good health is important for mental wellbeing. I have experience on this front.


I hope and pray things improve for you, and am happy to keep supporting you here. The fact that you still manage to put out 3 - 4 pics a month even with health issues is admirable.


Do what you need to do for you.