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Hecking good.

Creators didn't ask for this and supporters definitely didn't ask to get punished, especially those who support multiple pages.

The point from the blog post I am about to highlight is important because it is the most cited reason for why people decided to cancel their pledges despite wanting to support creators - because Patreon betrayed their trust and they no longer wish to support the Patreon website.

Fundamentally, creators should own the business decisions with their fans, not Patreon. We overstepped our bounds and injected ourselves into that relationship, against our core belief as a business.

It is because of this that I am still going to start making alternatives available. Because I already have an ejunkie storefront I am going to start hosting a mirror to the folders I make available here for the same price. The new listings would be made available at the beginning of the month and will include the exact same art posted here.

$5 monthly folder - Full resolution art as it is finished

$10 monthly folder - Full resolution art and PSDs/ Recordings

It's something people have asked me about since it has become a very common form of reposting HD packsso I'm finally going to do it.

I'm also going to start linking a paypal.me or donation link to my various pages for people to do one time donations since this too has been requested.



That's a great idea, never hurts to have more than one plan in place. This has been addressed for now but as they said it's not a fix and additional items may be incoming.

Tazer Silverscar

Thank fuck for that! (Pardon my language) I thought I was gonna have to cancel everything!