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I know I'm behind on those story additions, but at this point I'm basically making the new comic pages in the two days before they go up.  Every time I get a little bit ahead someone always seems to have a dire emergency that only I can deal with and what little time I had for anything else is deleted.  I apologize if the fiction is the only reason that you joined the patreon, but the comic is the actual source of all my income so I have to prioritize  it.  If that means you want to withdraw your support I accept that it is my failure and have no one to blame but myself ultimately.  



mate, relax. The main comic is what brought us here. We all want to know what will happen in the main storyline. The Comics. To see where Reggies Love and Brain interests go. I personally think yer dragging yer feet on the much deserved love and happniess of other characters, hahaha, but its all good mate. Keep on doing what you re doing. I love your work. Keep it up, stop the self deprication. Let Thomas write this shit. ;)


Not sure if this will make you feel better or worse, but I've never read the AU fiction.


It's not bad. Maybe if you feel bored one day you can try it. Of course there's no closure at this point...


No worries man you gotta prioitise im sure we all understand. Hope things calm down for you soon


Don't worry about it Jackie

Raven Leaf

Hang in there Jackie, we aren't trying to slave drive you. You create stuff we love, we understand you're human. You do a lot of amazing story and art, its unfortunate you've had more than your share of lemons in life, but its something I feel most us can relate to. Its because your work is so relatable and that you do so much interaction, we get it. You just keep doing you, we're really proud of you man.

Benjamin Hower

I know the reason I support you on Patreon isn't for the AU, it's because I'm an archive binger by nature, and that doesn't pay regular ad revenue in a way you can use. Keep on keepin' on.

David D.

I definitely back for the main comic. I can't wait to see where things go with Jo's film, or Reggie's dating life, or Reggie's family, or John and the furry club, specifically Reggie's sister.

David Paul

I am here for the comic, pretty much. I haven't yet read the Julius Drywood stories (got a bit of a back catalogue of books to read), but I will certainly get there :) But... don't worry about the sooks wanting, wanting, wanting. You have a great talent, but you are only one person. I know you like to create, to make a piece of work come together, but you can only do what you can do.


And another voice from the 'don't worry about it' camp: I love the comic and want it (and you!) to keep going.

Perfesser Bear

Guess I agree with most of the other comments. I read the comic for the girls and the witticisms; I've only read a little of the story (one of those 'when I have time' things). I'm busy trying to catch up on my own writing, so... Keep drawing!


I donate to the Patreon to help keep the comic alive. The bonus images are nice, but I've never really read the fiction. Keep doing what you can and I'll continue to help you out.