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The previous post about the loss of patrons was actually addressing my losses from the beginning and the middle of the month.  I was aware of the payment processing issue ahead of the public announcement because a few patron actually contacted me when the payments stopped processing, so I knew about that issue, but considered it a separate problem and didn't take it into account in my original calculations. The original loss of support was around 20 people at the start and the middle of last month.  At the beginning of this month, when the payment issue started, there was an additional loss of 150 or so, that I assume was from that.  Since those accounts are no longer considered supporters I can't mass email them, and patreon has chosen not to, I assume in order to cover their ass.  Ultimately this doesn't make a lot of difference on a balance sheet, but I think it's important to note that the problems are coming from to distinct causes: the economy, AND patreon being bad at their most important job.  I don't know what it is in my brain that makes it important to me that this is understood but it's there and I am compelled to make this post.

Since a couple of people have asked I do have an Subscribestar which is linked above every page on the comic.  I hesitate to post a link for fear of reprisal from Patreon.  I'm not even sure if it's safe to speak the name honestly.  You can also set up monthly donations via Paypal, but I don't love that option because unless you're going to do an amount of above $2 paypal takes nearly half of the donation as a fee.  Every penny helps, but it annoys me to basically pay paypal to do essentially nothing.  Plus I can't easily get bonus content to you.  I've never had procesing issues with Substar, but also almost no one uses it so the sample size is very small.  I've never set up any other options because I don't see widespread adoption, but if you do use one I welcome the suggestion so I can potentially set up an account with Kofi, or whatever.

Anyway, hopefully most of the lost patrons will eventually process, or notice the problem, and also be willing to jump through all the hoops in order to fix the issue.  I attached the email they sent to creators that tells us what to tell you to do.

This note really wasn't that quick.  Anyway, this is just another rock on the path of life that we can all hopefully look back and laugh at someday.  I can't think of anything else I need to say at the moment and I need to go fix dinner for Dad, so I'll talk to you guys later.  





Thanks for the heads-up, my payments are going through ok but I shall keep an eye out.

Perfesser Bear

I've heard a rumor that any transactions touching Wells Fargo are being messed up because of their latest data issues (losing deposits and withdrawals). I mean, if you're that bad at banking, get out of the business!

J.C. Hewitt

As someone who works in the fintech industry, I can tell you that this sort of crap happens. Banks, often major banks, just change the way they do things and forget to tell anyone.