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Those of you who read the blogs will know i got sick with a painful cyst for two weeks this month.  It was very disruptive.  It also coincided with a visit from my nephew, and a new kind of problem with my left eye.  I don't intend to present these events as excuses, but as reasons for not being as productive as I might have been otherwise.  

This new migraine eye problem has been weirdly more disruptive than I originally expected.  At one point it sort of clicked part of my brain off that manages my creativity.  It's hard to explain but it felt like I had lost access to a fundamental part of what makes me able to create anything.  

Over the years I've trained myself to make things even when I'm not "feeling it".  So I can do it but I feel strangely apart from it when I do.  It was very rare before now, but I'm beginning to think something more might be wrong with me that will have to be dealt with.  It is very localized to my left eye socket and I don't exactly know how to explain it.  It comes and goes but I don't know what is triggering the problem, so I don't know what to do, or stop doing, to fix it.  I'm having problems with my insurance that are keeping me from getting any of this dealt with outside of being given antibiotics.  

Something similar happened on the day we buried my grandmother but it passed quickly enough I didn't really dwell on it.  I'm not sure if it is mental, physical, or a combination of the two things.  I've been having these tremors around the area and don't know if it's connected or just coincidence.  

For all I know this could be from getting new glasses.  I just don't know and that leaves space for my brain to fill in the gaps with worry.  

The long and short of it all is that I've been doing a lot of things as just one person for a very long time and it's all catching up with me.  I'm keeping up with the comic posts as best I can, but even getting them up at the agreed upon time has slipped.  Not by as long as even a day, but enough that it makes me unhappy for not holding up my end of this bargain.  

All of that is just a long way of saying I apologize for not meeting your expectations, and I will try not to let it become a habit.  I'm sorry for failing you.



Obinna Onyeije

If anyone sincerely says to you that you're failing them by not putting out content while dealing with chronic pain, THEY are failing YOU. Don't worry about us, man. Hope things get better for you.


I agree with all the above. I've been here for about as long as you've had a Patreon and never in that time have I EVER felt like you let me down. You're an incredible worker and a great inspiration. Be well, my friend.


Youre not a failure and you certainty not failing us by any means. If you need time for medical stuff or a vacation, we’d understand. You got this!


idgaf get well soon

Joseph Bonnar

Medical problems aren't "being a failure." You are doing remarkably well and I am enjoying your work.


Get well soon

Opus the Poet

I've been in the same boat recently from other problems that block my creativity and just about everything else, so I feel your problems, and just about everything else that interferes with your creativity.


I hope you feel better soon, take care of yourself !

John Trauger

You are doing fine. Do not stress any more than you must.


You're not failing us! You're remarkably productive under the circumstances. I'm sorry to hear about your health problems and especially the problems with the sucky insurance companies.


The priority is you, first. Take care.


I really dislike that our society makes hardworking and dedicated people such as yourself feel like they are "failing" or "not living up to expectations" when illness or life stressors occur. Creativity and work motivation are very difficult when you are in physical, mental, and/or emotional pain. Speaking for myself, I would much prefer that you take what time and effort you need to help yourself in whatever way you believe is best.

mike stone

I've read that 95% of blogs, YouTube channels, or webcomics have less than 20 posts. You've passed 2500. You've earned a hundred times as much slack as the 'average' creator. Give yourself time and take care of yourself.


Man as a long time reader and fan, I think most would agree with me that if you have to take a break now and then none of us would be mad, for those of us that read your comic, and check out the blog underneath we would be far more concerned that if you keep pushing it could cause you to have to stop making the stories we all love.. Take care of yourself boss.