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Or under the page really.  I'm actually working on tonight's page, but I was checking something here and since I had the base page file open I thought I'd post the sketch layer from several pages ago I never got around to deleting.  As you can see I drew in Alex's eyes, like I usually do, for most of the panels to make sure her body language matches her visible expression.  It actually doesn't matter a lot of the time, but it keeps you from accidentally reducing her skull on accident and when it does matter you've covered it there too.  

Just as a general update the patreon losses are getting pretty severe the longer the economy suffers, but at the same time it's been mitigated somewhat by a few particularly well off  patron going way above and beyond in terms of support.  So I would like to that those of you in that group especially for putting it on the line when it really hurts to do so.  

God willing we will all make it through these times together and live to see better days again.  Anyway, I need to get back to work or I won't have the page ready at the appointed time.  Hopefully I'll see you there when I say it's supposed to be there.  XD




Your work falls into a very small and exclusive group of things that made me smile /before/ I beat my depression. I'd cut my damn food budget before I'd cancel my support.

Joseph Blankenship

I love that you draw her eyes even when they're not shown. That's an extra layer of craft, and I really enjoy when a skilled practitioner takes those extra unseen steps. Bernard Hill, when he was interviewed for the Lord Of The Rings films, talked about when they were fitting him with King Theoden's armor. He saw that there was elaborate tooling and embossing on the INSIDE of the armor, where the camera would never see it. He was touched, knowing that it was essentially just for him. He said that was the moment when he really felt like a king. I really appreciate all that goes into making this comic. You do good work.

Churchill (formerly TeaBear)

Indeed. I've already abandoned print comics so I can continue to do my supports on Patreon. If I had my personal preference, I'd be sending each of my creators enough to keep them going, regardless of who else contributed. But unfortunately that's not likely to happen anytime soon. :(