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Patreon has taken to sending me messages about needing to post even right after I post stuff.  Which is fine, I guess.  I mean they refuse to implement a decent gallery system so you can easily see the content you're paying for, but whatever, I mean it's not like we aren't all paying them to just let us look at stuff we want...

I worry about spamming you guys with junk even though it takes me so long between posts.  I could just slap up whatever random junk I'm doing but I worry that it will devolve into me blogging here rather than getting things done.  I mean my tendency to ramble when I'm feeling anxious is already on full display on the comic itself.  

Anyway, here's a sketch of Alex with her bang cut short, or maybe cut normal would be more accurate.  As I've said before, I always draw her actual face so that there's enough skull and the emotions of her mouth match.  I also think it's important for a character to be more than just a haircut.  If Alex changed her hairstyle she still needs to be Alex.  

I don't know how much of stuff like this is something you will be willing to tolerate, or possibly even enjoy, but LMK in the comments.  Maybe You'll love my random margin sketches I do that don't become actual comic panels.



Perfesser Bear

<i>"...random margin sketches"</i> Hey, Sergio Aragones made a good living doing those for what, over 40 years? In addition to assigned pages and whatnot. Part of the reason I'm here looking at your work is to see the stuff you <i>don't</i> put into the comic. So, SPAM away; we'll still be here!

William Burns

We enjoy your work, but Patreon is to support artists, not burden them. Post stuff you make, and 'random margin sketches' are just fine. Ignore Patreon nagging you.