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This is the first thing I've drawn in 3 weeks?  Something like that.  I've edited images in that time to make my filler comics, but I haven't drawn new things.  I don't know if I can express how alien that is to me.  The last time I didn't draw for longer than this was decades ago.  That time period led to Between Failures.  I wonder if this one will lead to something else too...  Usually I can compartmentalize my emotions enough to work, enough to have something to present.  With this experience, with 4 family disasters happening simultaneously, I finally reached a state where I couldn't.  I feel broken inside.  This stuff has been so relentless.  I'm so worried all the time, and people want to help, but there's nothing anyone can do.  A few people have been remarkably cruel over this.  Cruel in ways I would never expect from people who I would think enjoy my work.  At the same time others have done everything they can to try and help.  It seems like every aspect of life presents these wild extremes now.  

When I drew this image I felt cut off from whatever it is that makes my characters real to me.  Not feeling it made me feel worse than I can express.  I'm sure it's still in me somewhere, but I can't get to it.  When I reach out to it in my head it feels like there's a wall there.  I know I can access a part of it because I can still write the characters, but it feels much more surface level than it should.  Maybe you haven't noticed it, but I do.  I think the problem is that I have had to turn off my emotions as best as I can in order to get through a day & if I let myself slip I get emotional to a degree that I become useless.  So I'm riding the line precariously.  

This is like a nightmare for me.  I've worried about losing my connection to my characters for years & now I'm getting this taste of it & it's a waking terror.  The idea that I could lose it forever makes me shake.  I keep hoping someone will say something to me that will make the worry go away like magic.  It's a pathetic level of desperation, but it's how hope is manifesting in me at the moment.  

I'm going to keep holding on.  Keep hoping that Nina & Carol & everyone are still inside me somewhere patiently waiting for me to come to terms with all of this.  I suppose that's probably why I put Thomas opposite of everyone, because he's the most connected to just being baseline me.  

Anyway, this may go on another week, or even two.  Or it may even out to a degree that I can get my bearings and right myself.  In any case I'm deeply sorry to have failed you all like this.  I should have been more prepared.  Maybe not for becoming a caregiver, but for facing the reality of the human frailty of my family.  I don't know, but on some level I've known this time in my life was coming for many years & I never really figured out what steps to take to mitigate the damage, or how to get there.  So again, I apologize.  

I'll try to get a calm moment to do something to put up here that's more worth the effort as soon as I can. 

I can hear something going wrong in another part of the house so I have ot go now.  Later taters.



Russell Barnett

Never forget that caretakers are allowed to take care of themselves, too. It can be really, REALLY hard to give yourself permission at times, but a burnt out and emotionally bankrupt caretaker is not going to be useful to either of you. I hope you find some moments of peace wherever they can be uncovered,

Major Matt Mason

Hang in there, bruddah. We're here for you. How can we help?

Karl Gallagher

I offer hugs and patience. Hang in there.


I don't pipe up much, as I'm not sure anyone needs me to add to their own usually better words. That said, you are and always have been one of my favorite creators, for years that's been true, you're one of just three folks I support on Patreon and the reason I signed up in the first place. I've been reading you for over a decade now and you've always had a way of telling a story that just brings it to life. I truly hope things improve for you, not because I want you to provide more content for me but because I honestly want the best for you. Until then it's not much but you'll continue to have my small contribution for as long as you'll take it.

Sen Trillion

I'm not sure what to say. I wish I could say the magic words you want to make everything better, heck I've wanted those before. All I can do is tell you that I'm not going anywhere, and I'll try to support you however I can. You've given us so much please don't worry about failing us because you haven't. I hope things get better for you and if there is something I can do then I'll do my best to help.


Take your time, you are amazing and worth it.


Do what you have to do to get by, take care of yourself however you need to - and a lot of us will be here for you. And still around for you on the other side of everything.

Joseph Bonnar

Please take care of yourself. As a caregiver, you can't help those who depend on you otherwise. You have my full support, and bless you and your family.


You haven't failed us. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just using you as a place to dump some of their own misery. You're going through some serious shit, take the time you need.


If I could, I would reach through the screen and the electronics between us and fold you in the strongest, warmest hug I have. And when that was done, I'd reach further and smack the shit out of the people being nasty to you just because they can get away with it.


You have not failed. You are taking a break and when that break is over you are either coming back through this door, or finding another that has opened. Failure is giving up, not taking a break to take care of yourself. And do what you can to take care of yourself, I read the webcomic blip by sage (or something with the word sage in their name.) It was a few years or so before they came back. I will hang around as long as you need, take care of yourself buddy.


It happens to all artists since it happens to all humans. The world is surprisingly more full of people who would rather give you their energy freely than try to lade you with guilt. Take some.

Alex Friele

I'll honestly say that you've NEVER failed us. No matter if you need a break ikr whatever to find your groove or to find yourself. We'll always be here


I can honestly join the choir above this comment and say you never failed me, and I really wish you could feel that too. Honestly, take as long as you need. And if for whatever is the reason you stop drawing Between Failure I will still cherish it for the rest of my life.


As many have said above, you haven’t failed anyone. Not being prepared for the worst isn’t a failure so much as it is a sign you had hoped this day would never come. I can never fault someone for hoping things will go well. As for the comic, your true fans will be here for you as best we can. Those who lash out are the hateful, loud minority and can safely be ignored. Those who matter won’t be hateful, those who are hateful won’t matter. We’re here for you, Jackie. You aren’t alone.

Christopher Chung

You have not failed. Keep on going one step at a time and we'll be here when you get back.


There will come a day (hopefully soon) that these disasters are over. When that day comes, you may have new understandings, but you will still be fundamentally you. Your characters will be there waiting for you. I have lived through both Hurricane Katrina, and now Hurricane Ida. I have watched people lose everything they have ever known. Even that was not enough to change who they were. It's hard to see the calm from in the midst of the storm, but when that calm comes (and it will) you will still be Jackie.


So what you need to do, man. Things sound very hard and I'm sorry for that. None of us want you to feel worse because you feel like you're failing here! We are here not just for your work, but for you.


Take care of yourself and your family first, man. I hate to hear that people haven't been understanding of that! You'll find the gang again once you finally get back some of your spoons.

Matt R

Cute Carol sketch

Edward Justice

Self care first. We'll be here when you are better.


You start, dear Jackie, by being kind to yourself. As one tiny percentage of your boss (sort of!), I demand it. : ) You're going through a staggering amount right now, on not enough sleep, without sufficient support. I believe the characters are still there in you. They've been a part of you so long, they won't leave. But you're asking more than is humanly possible for a lot of people, from yourself, and have been for quite some time with this situation. There are consequences to that, and this silence appears to be one of them. Please take care of yourself and be kind.


Please, Jackie, take care of yourself. We love these characters and we love the comic, but as many others have said, your mental and physical health is far more important. When you're being forced to carry a massive weight with inadequate respite or support, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Take time for yourself, as much as you need to get yourself back on an even keel, and your fans will still be here for you when you return. And don't worry about not being able to hear your characters at present. They will clamor quite loudly to have their stories continued when you are feeling better. I feel fairly confident in stating that as a fact, given your multi-year relationship with them and the fact that they owe their existence to your imaginative mind. Don't worry. They'll be there for you too.

William Burns

There was a period in my life, not too many years ago, where everything fell apart. My health, my finances, family relationships, business. It all happened from different causes, and the money problems finished it all off. I went into a state of helpless depression. The things that saved me were reaching out for help, and taking as few problems in hand as I could. Picked them up and put solutions together. Eventually, I was able to save enough of my life to go on. I pray you can too, and we're all pulling for you.


Please take care of you and yours. We will be here when you get back and happy to see what you create then.


As if all the political insanity running amok weren't enough, you're also struggling with massive personal shit. Short term, things may get better or worse; impossible to tell. But long term, things will settle; you will find your equilibrium again. I just wanted to toss in my 2¢ that your stories and art are appreciated and I've enjoyed watching your characters grow over the years. Take whatever break you need. We're all here for you and we're not going anywhere.