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I think this is the last avatar request from the last time I asked for them.  I have absolutely no idea how many of these I did since then...  I must have drawn more of my readers than any webcomic creator ever.  Especially at such an affordable price!  I know that it's unfair to give ol wavey Davey two versions, but LIFE ISN'T FUCKING FAIR!  Anyhoodle, this kind of shows you the difference between keeping to the look of a photo versus making a character took a way that you can replicate thousands of times quickly enough to do it on a rigid schedule.  It's all about finding he things you can simplify versus the things you have to keep.  For me a lot of character distinction is in the noses & eyes.  Generally I use maybe 6 general head types than most humans slot into nicely.  Mike & Patricia are outliers in that department.  Mike is mostly bean shaped & Patty is mostly just a circle.  Although Evrina is similar.  

I kind of went he extra mile because this might be the best profile ref I've ever been sent.  It's certainly the best in recent memory.  All the key factors are met with the source image.  Got it at that sweet 3/4 angle that is way easier to depict with my heavy line art.  Nice contrast to see facial topography.  A+  

Anyway, I've had these hanging over my head for...  A year maybe?  Two?  Possibly more.  I'm gonna hold off on doing a general call for them just so I can live without the stress of these for a little while.  That said, if you are desperate for an avatar image go ahead and send the ref to betweenfailurescomic @gmail .com.  It's not choked with microsoft's terrible interface and garbage.  As much as I dislike Google they have the superior free email service right now, plus it doesn't have 15 years of baggage like the old one does.  

In retrospect doing these for a dollar was probably the most insane, least business savvy, thing I've ever done as far as monetizing the comic goes.  I just wanted readers to have a personal little bit of the comic, or me as the case may be, to take onto the internet with them.  I still struggle with the mercenary attitude being truly successful requires, I guess.  

Anyway, just in general, thanks to all of you for the continued support.  My life would be unbearably miserable without you all.



Dan Curtis

I use your sketch as my profile pic for basically all my non-professional internet interactions. I think I got mine about 4 or 5 years ago.


I had personal cards printed up with my name and contact info. Like business cards, but not my professional contact info, my personal info. I used my profile image on the card, and I also use that in some online situations. Someone from my company got into a video conference with me and said "oh, you actually look like your profile picture!" So, Jackie: great job and thank you again for that.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-11 00:52:21 Thanks a bundle! It came out great and I'm going to use it all over the place! And on top of that it was much quicker than I had expected, only 2 months and change. <3
2021-07-12 08:42:16 Thanks a bundle! It came out great and I'm going to use it all over the place! And on top of that it was much quicker than I had expected, only 2 months and change. <3

Thanks a bundle! It came out great and I'm going to use it all over the place! And on top of that it was much quicker than I had expected, only 2 months and change. <3