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There's a very good chance I won't be able to finish this before Halloween, so I'm showing you the sketch.  I won't bore you with the whys, but it's either get the comic done or get extra stuff done right now.  So I have to do the stuff you really pay me to do.  Anyway, I didn't get a lot of suggestions so I just combined the ones I got into one image.  I drew Carol because she makes me happy.  I hope she will make you happy too. 



John Trauger

Carol always makes me happy. She was the lure that got me to Between Failures in the first place. I was hooked when I went through the archives and got to the Thomas-Carol kiss that transitioned the comic from grayscale to color. That was brilliantly done.


Yes. What he said. More Carol always makes me happy.


YEs~ she makes me happy and so does her cute witch outfit

Christopher Chung

Carol in a cute Oktoberfest Witch outfit does make me happy. Not as happy as a Nina anything or a Victoria Halloween outfit (which I think she would rock), but I missed the request for ideas, so Carol it is! Great looking artwork as always!


Looks great so far


Finish it late, we won't complain. Great bewbs...er, great work takes time.


Seriously, for Carol I'm always willing to wait. lol