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This is an old idea for Victoria I found in a folder while setting up my new Surface.  

Thankfully I went in a different direction from my first cliched instinct.  

Anyway I've been out of sorts so I haven't been able to produce new content apart from the comic itself.  I'm really off my game recently.  Usually I don't get quite so messed up when it comes to my work, but I'm having a weirdly hard time getting my shit together recently. Hopefully it won't last much longer.  

I added a version of what this idea might look like now.  



Christopher Chung

Love the way you finally took her character, but this version is beautiful as well.


Very lovely. You could probably even use the blue coloring to define lines in the skirt if you wanted to aim for a bit more of a wrinkled look in the skirt. Either way, this looks great.

Patrick Jackson

An outfit straight out of Morticia's wardrobe!

Matt R

That Victoria is great


I think it gives her a very nice, formal, look. I'm curious as to why you chose blue for the bodice and eyeshadow/liner, as it seems to suit her well.