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I am so tired, but wanted an image to post with this, so I chose this one that I suspect most of you have never seen.  It's been so long since I got this that I have completely forgotten who drew it.  If one of you happen to be the artist please refresh my memory.  I know I followed them on DA after they showed me, but my follow list is unwieldy.  

Anyway, I apologize for the infrequent updates, but I'm trying to do a bunch of stuff behind the scenes & I'm totally worn out.  I have one last request image to do from the last time I asked, so I'm going to go ahead and open the gates again, but be warned that it may be February before I get to the bulk of new requests.  The holiday months are disasters & I know I can't keep up with everything.  Also, if you haven't gotten a request you already asked for it probably got lost or stuck in my junk folder before I noticed.  They changed things in outlook again so it started funneling more stuff there without me noticing fast enough.  I rescued 4 request from my junk folder when I caught on.  

Just resend whatever it was & let me know youv'e tried before so I know to bump you up on the list.  No lying about it because Jesus will tell me if you do.    Send requests to betweenfailurescomic at gmail.com.  I'm gonna try using gmail since Hotmail is hot garbage for organizing.  Also, keep it simple.  My nature is to do way more than I should with these but I can't keep up with 300 complex sketch requests.  Please try to provide decent references.  If you send an image of yourself try to get at least 2 angles of your face if you want me to try and draw you in my comic style.  You looking directly at the camera doesn't give me anything to work with.  Also be sure to include your username & patreon sketch request in the subject line.  I can't stress this enough.  I keep getting requests from people who just put their username and the spam filter just kicks them to the junk folder for me to go hunting for,  Don't freak out if I don't respond right away.  I use the notification badges to let me know which things I haven't looked at.  

Anyway I probably forgot something but I'm so tired I just want to lay down for a while.  If you have a nonspecific request for a comic character you can just put it in the comments.  I'll do the ones that get the most likes first.  Like "Jo in a bunny outfit" or "Carol wearing a sweater" or whatever.  A lot of people tend to want similar things so you can just kind of list them here.  

Okay, I guess that's it.  I want you to know I love you, and keep steady craftin'. 




Nina in a reindeer costume

Patrick Jackson

Great job whoever it was. I love it! Best wishes Jackie.


My new phone wallpaper :)

Perfesser Bear

It's a nice take on Nina, except they forgot the <i>part</i> in her teeth...

Matt R

MILF Jessica answering the door wearing nothing but her glasses


Wonder if the file name might indicate the artist?? WW might stand for something.