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http://betweenfailures.com/comics1/every-story-has-to-start-somewhereThe title pretty much illustrates my intense lack of research concerning Patreon. I don't know what makes this place go, so this is just me screwing around. I don't know if this will become an email, or if it'll just be here, or what. I'm learning by doing rather than reading. Just in case someone happens upon the home thing I thought maybe the link to the first comic would be useful for them. Anyway, let's see what happens!


Every Story Has To Start Somewhere.

If this is your first time visiting my comic, and you came here from certain ad links, this image is intended to give you hope. I've improved a lot since I off handedly started this adventure some 4 years ago. (More like 7 now...) The story concerns itself chiefly with the lives of a group [...]


Alcaria Swain

Got an email and read the whole post there. Just thought I'd give you confirmation about that.