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I always hesitate about sharing this stuff, but I know some patrons will enjoy it.  It's a little belly stuffing commission for lack of a better word.  If you don't like that sort of thing then consider yourself warned.  

The link is to a stash folder for the 3 image set, based on an old Garfield comic.





While not a fav fetish this was funny thanks to the dialogue. Nice work.


I appreciate basically everything you do, Jackie. I don't think there's anything you could put out that I wouldn't enjoy.


A no-pants tradition! She looks quite pleased with herself.

Perfesser Bear

<i>Somebody Else's Fetish</i> (<b>SEF</b>). Nobody is going to appreciate all the same stuff I like, either; if it's your thing, enjoy.


no nipples and she's wearing panties.. doesnt really count as NSFW. :-) - good strip though.. hahahah love it, funny.

Major Matt Mason

I missed this one, could you re-link, please? :)