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Okay, since Patreon seems to be hellbent on the new pledge system right now I'm gonna post my paypal info for those of you who want to pledge that way.  It's betweenfailures@hotmail.com which is the same as the website's email.  You can contact me there too in case you weren't already aware.  I have actually been using paypal to do monthly micropayments to creators I support for several years, so I know it works.  It's easy to set up a monthly recurring payment.  

paypal.me/BetweenFailures is my paypal pay me link.  I don't really know how that works but I think it's for single payments.  You can do stuff however you like, but I prefer monthly small payments because I don't end up with a pool of money I have to budget for months at a time. Small payments work more like a paycheck that is more in keeping with what I'm used to as a regular working person.  

Anyway I'm looking at other options and right now Kickstarter's new service looks like the best bet once they have it set up.  I'm not too sure about the other options that are already available.  I like the idea of KS because they are a well established company at this pint and I've always had good interactions with them as a supporter.  

I'll keep you all posted and feel free to suggest options to me if you want.  For now I guess I'll make all the extra content free for everyone except the NSFW stuff.  For that I'm not sure what I'll have to do since by Patreon's rules I have to put it behind the paywall.  I guess I can post a link to it and post that.  I don't want anyone who is supporting the comic to miss out on anything.  

That's all I can think of at the moment.  I'm sorry this happened.  If it was up to me I'd just keep taking the hit to my wallet and let you guys pledge what you want, but the system won't let me and Patreon wants as much money as they can get.  This was always going to be a risk when I put control in the hands of someone else though.  

Just stick with me if you can and we'll try and get through this.


A. Fraser

I prefer to wait and see what happens. Go to pub for pint and wait until this whole thing blows over.

A. Fraser

Thats always prudent.


Hopefully Patreon fixes this--until today I was confident that they were caring people who loved creators as much as we do, and honestly, I'm not going to throw that away in one day. If they fix things, great. If not, we'll work it out. Just remember that we're all here for you and your fantastic work; we're not here for Patreon! We'll stick with you.


Damnit. I'm this close to pulling my pledge (ironically, after I just upped it not too long ago...) and funding you somewhere where you actually get a reasonable share of the pledge, because Patreon is starting to disgust me. I want to see more of that money actually in your hands and not the hands of this platform. Good luck, I'll be watching to see when you get a smoother solution. Sorry to put the onus on you, but can you put up information on how to give a recurring monthly donation via Paypal? I can't for the life of me find out a way to do it from the sender's side, and I suspect you need to set up a monthly thing on your end...


... and now Patreon seems to eat my posts... I hope it's just a glitch, there wasn't anything offensive inside, just some elementary school math.


Also here to let you know I'm sticking with you wherever you end up.

Perfesser Bear

It's been eating mine, too. Sometimes it emails them to the artists. Go figure.

Perfesser Bear

Yeah, first of the year I'm dropping you on Patreon, and switching to PayPal. You might want to find some backwater file-drop for the refugees to pick up their images, though. I wonder if Amazon offers some kind of service like that? Send money or chuck it to your Wish Lists or some such.


Same here. I'm not dropping my support, however you decide to get supported. I understand why they might experience a loss in income (I work for financial transaction companies, and they are raising their rates on small dollar transactions, so it probably costs Patreon some money to host small dollar transactions), they should try to absorb some of that cost on themselves instead of pushing it to the supporters. It sucks all around, but I don't support folks half-heartedly. I do it so you guys can eat.

Kaz Redclaw

Right o, I was going to ask if you would want less frequent payments worth more, or more frequent worth less, so I'll go with the latter option for you. A little more work on my end, but that's fine. I'm going to make a spreadsheet of every creator I support, when their payment dates are, and how much so I can just go down the list every month and click all the links.

Kaz Redclaw

That's just the thing. They used to charge them all in one big bundle so it wasn't a bunch of small transactions. Now they're splitting them all up so it is a bunch of small transactions at the same time financial transaction companies are raising those rates. Makes no sense.


I'm sticking here and will wait


I'm not going anywhere Jackie. I love your work, and I'm in a good enough place to even increase my pledge just a little bit. Hope it helps.


I'm looking at it a different way. I'm paying a few bits more, and you are getting a few bits more. That's ok by me.


I just started pledging, there's no way i stop so soon!


If you ate the ever so slightly higher fees on paypal, he'll get not just a slight bit more (95%) but ALL of it, that is 100% of the cost, for basically the same cost to you. It would also be automatically set, and you can edit or cancel at any time without leaving Jackie stuck with fees.