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I sketched this, cleaned it up, then stepped back and realized the first version was all screwed up. So I left it for a day and fixed all the things until it looked like Carol is currently supposed to look, more or less. There were disagreements over the nipples in the discord, but I simply couldn't do a bunch of versions right now to satisfy everyone.



Coy Keaton

I would say you made the right call in the nipples. While not impossible, the puffy, über high up nipples are incredibly rare on girls as well endowed as Carol. From my experience with larger women, even what you went with would be considered quite perky on someone with her gift/ curse. LOL, I just thought of a picture of Carol standing topless, holding her bra, with her face all "Oh, yeah, that's the stuff." And Thomas being like, "I didn't even touch you yet." 😆😆

Perfesser Bear

Thomas! Give the boob lady a hug.