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AN: So, I had a hard time deciding which way to go with this one which caused a bit of delay. I had an idea that would've been a bit darker, and based more around canon but decided against it. Instead, I went with this AU, and I hope you enjoy!


Bellatrix Black- Jessica Bartlett 

You could feel the power of the spells in the air. They sizzled and crackled, burning bright and intense as they leapt across the room. It took a great deal of effort for Harry to keep up with the frenetic action, but there was no way that he was going to miss a second of it.

It was his first time spectating the European Dueling Championships, and he was having the time of his life. Or at least, it was his first time viewing them in person. He’d seen memories of previous competitions since he was four years old. And six years later, he was finally able to see it in person. Best birthday present ever!

“Don’t forget to blink, pup,” His godfather chuckled from beside him, “Otherwise your eyes will dry up in your head and some old hag will want to use them for a potion.”

“Sirius!” His mother’s rebuke didn’t faze the older man in the slightest, it only made him smile. The two adults bickered, good-naturedly as usual. Sirius was entirely unrepentant and met her irritation with a cheeky grin.

Harry barely heard a word that either of them said because his attention was still firmly fixed on the action in the arena. One of the combatants was clearly the better duelist, and it didn’t surprise him one bit. Her every movement was measured and thought out, her spells were precise and devastatingly powerful, and her tactics utterly ruthless.

Bellatrix Black had dark hair that hung loose around her head, and yet never seemed to impede her vision or her movements. It was such a deep black it shined like obsidian in the light. She was a woman who preferred black, silver, and deep purple, and it showed in what she wore. Her bodice wrapped tightly around her midsection, accentuating the swell of her bust, and the curve of her hip. There was a jeweled pendant that hung from her neck the same color as her eyes. Her statuesque legs were wrapped in black tights, and would have shown off the full expanse of them if not for a loose skirt that went to just below her mid-thigh.

Watching her duel was like watching poetry in motion. In Harry’s young, and rather naive, opinion, she was the single greatest duelist in the world. And in fairness to the young lad, he picked one of a handful of individuals who could legitimately make a claim to the title. In her fourteen years on the international dueling circuit, she’d achieved seven European Championships and four World Championships out of five competitions, including three consecutive victories in each event.

Spells erupted from her wand one after the other in quick succession, tearing through the shields of Marshall Mellows as though they were barely even there. There was an incredibly loud snap as one of her Bone-Breakers connected with his femur. As her opponent tried to heal the damage, she ended it with a Banishing Charm that sent him flying from the dueling platform.

The cheer that rang out around the arena was deafening. There was a little smirk on Bellatrix’s lips as she looked around the crowd, she stopped ever so briefly when she spotted the three of them in the crowd, her eyes widening almost imperceptibly before she gave a grandiose curtsy and bow that only made the gathered witches and wizards cheer that much louder. People were blissfully unaware of her opponent being helped over to a medical wizard with blood dripping alarming fast from a cut along his temple.

As it finally began to subside, three people made their way onto the platform with Bellatrix. The man in the middle was Edward Merrythorpe, the head of the Dueling Confederation. He was a big man who didn’t look like he would last more than five seconds if he found himself in a duel, but that was only because his best years were long behind him. He had a round belly and thick arms that looked quite odd given his rather spindly legs. His beard was neatly trimmed and the tip of his nose was red as though he’d been fighting a cold despite it being the middle of the summer. His voice though was deep and booming.

Even without the Sonorous Charm, Harry thought he might be able to quiet the crowd but with it, they fell silent almost instantly, “Yes congratulations! Congratulations!” The other two people with him were each carrying something. One had a trophy, while another had a pouch of considerable size, “It is my great pleasure to present for the fourth year running, European Dueling Champion… Bellatrix Black!” With that he handed over the trophy and the pouch which she graciously accepted.

Harry could still feel his heart thudding rapidly in his chest. He was so captivated that he didn’t realize he was still staring until she finally walked out of the arena. He was broken from his reverie by a slap on his shoulder. Sirius had a little smile at the corner of his lips as he asked, “So, everything you were hoping for Harry?

The toothy grin that split his face was one of pure, honest joy, “Better… loads better!” He turned back to look at the arena, and said wistfully, “Some day it’s going to be me down there.”

There was a light sigh and he turned to see his mum with her face in her hand, shaking it ruefully, “You… just really are your father’s son sometimes, Harry. I’m sure he would find it all terribly funny if he were here.” It was said with a fondness that she couldn’t try to hide even if she was slightly exasperated. “I suppose I should be used to it by now… I mean quidditch alone.”

Though if that was the worst she had to deal with, it would be a blessing. Lily took all his adventurousness in stride and regularly counted her blessing that Harry didn’t have the penchant for pranks and general childishness that James had at the same age.

They let the rest of the crowd filter out before the trio left their seats and headed for the exits. As they made their way out, Sirius squeezed his shoulder and said excitedly, “Your dad was a fair duelist in his own right, you know, and so was your mum…”

“Was?” Lily arched one eyebrow in challenge, looking far from impressed.

Sirius immediately corrected himself, “Is… your mum is a great duelist as well and I’m not half bad myself… almost took a chance on the professional circuit but decided I was better suited to other things.”

“And… you didn’t want to deal with the constant comparisons to your cousin.” Lily smirked as Sirius poked his tongue out in response. Of course, Harry knew that his godfather was related to his favorite duelist. It drove the older man up a wall that he wasn’t his favorite Black. Well, some days anyway.

“Anyway…” Sirius said a bit too loudly, “The reason I mention it, is that if you’re really serious…”

“Nope that’s you.” Both Potters interjected with fantastic timing.

As though he were expecting it, he just kept going as though they never even interrupted, “I know I’d be happy to help you get started.”

“I don’t have a wand though…” It was something that he’d been anticipating for years, counting down the days until his Hogwarts letter arrived and he could finally make his trip to Ollivander’s.

“About that… I’ve been thinking,” His mum said with a hint of trepidation, “So long as you don’t get yourself into trouble with it, once we get back, we can make a trip to the family vault. There are several old wands passed down by generations of Potters… I’m sure that one of them will be a suitable match, even if it’s not perfect, and you can start learning.”

“Really?” At his mother’s nod, he just about danced in his excitement, “I promise I’ll only use it to practice… nothing else.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” She assured him while ruffling his hair, “And do me a favor and don’t let your godfather lead you astray.”

“Hey! I would never!” The smile on his face made it hard to take that outlandish claim with anything more than a grain of salt. In all his excitement, Harry barely noticed that somebody had approached them from a door to their left.

Her voice had an air of poise in it, a self-assuredness and gracefulness that mirrored her performances in the arena, “Now cousin, we all know that isn’t true.”

Sirius spun around faster than the rest of them, and Harry was sure that he heard a tiny yelp, “Bella! How are you? I wasn’t expecting to see you today… well except for on the platform.”

“I’m sure you were hoping to get out of here as fast as you could, lest I catch up with you and give you the thrashing you deserve for the stunt you tried to pull…” His godfather put on a brave face but took the opportunity to hide himself behind Harry and Lily.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”

“Sure, you don’t.” The corner of her lip ticked up into a faint smile, and even Harry could feel Sirius relax, “It was someone else who tried altering my outfit to neon pink.” As pranks went, it was quite innocent.

It still earned him a slap to the shoulder from Lily, “Can you not help yourself?”

“Honestly… no, and she’s always given better than she’s gotten.” The entire exchange, Harry didn’t take his eyes off his idol. Her eyes darted down to his. She smiled ever so slightly and threw a wink his way. He was sure that his face was redder than his mum’s hair and he had to stop himself from grinning like an idiot.

“Hello, Lily.” Bellatrix greeted his mum with more warmth than he would’ve expected. His understanding was that most the Black’s had unfavorable views on muggleborns. But Aunt Andi has never been anything but nice to mum, and she’s never really had a bad word to say about her sister. Well, one of them anyway.

“Bella… it’s good to see you again,” She moved around Harry and pulled the other woman into a hug, “And congratulations on the victory.”

“Thank you, I’ve been meaning to owl you for what feels like years now, but things are always so busy.” Harry looked between the two women in utter bewilderment. How did mum never mention that they were friends?!

“Don’t worry, gods know I’ve been meaning to do the same.” They chuckled together before pulling apart.

Again, Bellatrix looked his way, “And you must be Harry. You look just like your father, you know… except the eyes.” She shared a little smile with his mum, and he knew that he was blushing again.

“Forgive him if he seems to be a mute,” Sirius tried to hide his amusement, but failed miserably, “He’s just having a hard time. After all, it’s not every day that someone gets to meet their idol.”

“Idol, really?” Bellatrix preened as her smile widened, “I’m flattered.”

Finally finding his voice, Harry blurted out, “You’re brilliant… I’ll be as good as you some day.”

“Oh, a duelist in the making?” She caught his mother’s eye, and Lily rolled them good-naturedly, “Well, I advised both of your parents when they were at Hogwarts, so I won’t be surprised if you have the raw talent for it. But it’ll still be a tall task. As you said, I am brilliant.” If there was one thing she didn’t lack, it was confidence.

Sirius snickered, “Humility was always your strong suit, Bella.”

“We’re Blacks.” She said that as though it explained everything.

Stil, Harry wasn’t discouraged in the slightest. It only made him that much more determined. His heart thundered in his chest as she brought one of her soft hands to his face, her thumb running along his cheekbone, “It takes time and dedication. Raw talent and power alone aren’t enough. If this is what you want to do, you have to do it wholeheartedly. You have to really mean it. You understand?”

Harry nodded open-mouthed up at her, and she grinned.


Standing at the liquor cabinet, Bellatrix poured the amber liquid into two whiskey glasses. Grabbing them, she offered one to her cousin, “Please have a seat.” They were in her home. It was bigger than necessary given her lifestyle, but she grew up on the ostentatious and some of that had clearly carried over. And more importantly than that, it meant that she had a fully-fledged dueling room at her disposal when she wasn’t on the circuit.

Sitting down across from her, Sirius took a sip of his whiskey before setting it down on the table, “How have you been?”

“Wonderful,” She answered without hesitation, “But you saw me just three months ago, so I’m sure you could’ve guessed the answer.” The last time he saw her, she was competing, and winning at the International Championships. Since then, she’d been taking a well-deserved break.

“Yes, well, I sometimes forget that you’d rather just do away with the pleasantries when we’re already keeping up on one another.”

“Unless you’d like to talk about your recent debacle with Marlene… again… I think that would be for the best.”

Sirius sighed and shook his head in exasperation, “Of course, Lily told you.”

“Even we like to gossip occasionally, Sirius. You should be used to it by now.” She laughed at his discomfort, “But no, it was Andi that told me about it. Lily just happened to be there when she did.”

Taking another sip of his whiskey, he tilted it in her direction, “Glad to know I can amuse you all.”

“It’s what you’re best at.” She took a short pull from her own glass, before setting it down, “But, you didn’t come here to suffer my teasing, so what did?”

The question hung in the air for a second before he spoke up, “Have you heard about Harry?”

Bellatrix rolled her eyes at his question, “Of course, I’ve heard about Harry. Did I not just tell you that I spent time with his mother recently, you dolt. It was hard not to smile though because even she could admit that she was rather impressed with the young man.

He won the Hogwarts’s Dueling Competition, including a thorough trouncing of one Neville Longbottom, the Boy-Who-Lived, and was the reigning European Champion in the Under Eighteen division. A class that he would be aging out of in just a few short weeks’ time.  It was hard to believe that eight years had passed so quickly. There were already people on the professional dueling circuit anticipating his arrival. He was widely considered the most talented newcomer in years, since Bellatrix, in fact.

“It’s rather impressive. We’re all very proud of him.” Sirius said it with such obvious affection. She knew, as well as anyone, that James Potter had been like a brother to her cousin. More of a brother than Regulus ever was by miles. So, when James died during the Blood War, giving his life to protect Lily and Harry, it didn’t surprise her that he stepped up to fill the shoes while never letting Harry forget for one second about his father. And never once being anything more than a friend and confidant for Lily.

“Yes, we are.” Bellatrix agreed. Since meeting the young man, she’d kept a close eye on his progress, making sure that Lily provided her with memories of his duels.

“But I wasn’t just talking about his recent victories.” At her quirked eyebrow, he elaborated, “It’s all well and good that he’s doing so well against his peers, but I doubt that Lily told you that he’s beaten both of us… at the same time.”

Her eyes widened for just a moment in surprise before she schooled herself, “Really? Now that is impressive.” Bellatrix knew perfectly well just how good both her cousin and Lily Potter were. That someone so young could beat them really was a testament to his skill, “Why wouldn’t Lily have told me? Or Harry?”

“Because Lily doesn’t want to impose.” He ignored the question about Harry.

“Where you don’t mind in the slightest.”

“No, he needs someone better. Someone who can truly challenge him in a way neither or us can.” He told her plainly, “Lily and I are both great in our own right, and honestly, I’ve gotten better again just working with him, but it isn’t our life the way it is for you and considering your well-earned reputation and recent retirement…”

“Sabbatical,” she corrected him, “I still haven’t decided for sure whether I’m done yet.”

“Fine then, your sabbatical, I can’t think of anyone better to help him.”

“There’s Flitwick or Dumbledore.” It wasn’t that she didn’t like Harry, quite the opposite in fact, but she wasn’t sure she would make the best mentor for the young wizard.

“Flitwick says that Harry already has him beaten, not to mention his duties at Hogwarts,” She was sure that the Charms Professor had lost a step or two since his days on the circuit, but he was still a bona fide champion, so it was difficult to believe, “And Dumbledore is entirely preoccupied with Neville.”

Bellatrix couldn’t help but snicker at the mention of the Longbottom boy. She’d seen the memory of Harry’s duel with the supposed savior of the wizarding world, and she couldn’t say that she was impressed. He wasn’t bad by any stretch, but he was outclassed by Harry.  Don’t understand why the old goat’s fascination with that one.

Tapping her finger against the glass, she weighed the pros and cons. It’d been years since she’d taken on a student, since her last year at Hogwarts in fact, and she wouldn’t mind trying her hand at it again. But she knew that her methods could be brutal, and she didn’t necessarily want to risk her relationship with either her cousin or Lily, or even Harry himself for that matter. And there was one other, niggling thing at the back of her mind. You may very well end up training someone better than you.

But then, she was seriously contemplating retirement and there would be something deeply satisfying about her pupil, someone who’d idolized her before he even had his own wand, taking up her mantle as premier duelist in the world. Sirius was watching her intently but finally grew impatient, “Well?”

Picking up her drink, she downed what remained of it in one go. It burned on the way down, and kept tingling even as she told him, “I’ll do it.”


There was a knock on the door. Gliding through the hallway, Bellatrix opened it to reveal Harry on the other side. My how he’s grown… the memories don’t even really do it justice. The last time she’d had the chance to see him in person, almost three years prior, he was still shorter than her. That had changed. He was at least half a head taller than her now.

He’d become a handsome young man. He still looked a great deal like his father, which was no bad thing, but you could see some of his mother in him too, particularly in the cheekbones. And always those eyes… he must’ve needed a stick to keep all the girls off him at Hogwarts. Not that it’s surprising. I can’t imagine I would’ve been much better.

Men who caught her attention were few and far between, and it was even rarer that one of them was interesting enough to keep her attention. And there was a traitorous part of her mind that would surely get her in trouble that whispered. He could manage it.

Considering she was meant to be his newest instructor, they weren’t appropriate thoughts, even more so given her friendship with his mother. And the fact that I’m older than her. But then, he was an adult now, so it was hard to see the harm in some innocent appreciation.

Smiling, she opened the door wider, “Right on time, perfect.”

“Your time is valuable.” He had an easy smile for her, “I wouldn’t want to waste it by keeping you waiting.” It was the right thing to say as far as she was concerned, and she had to applaud her friend for how she raised her son. He stepped inside and she closed the door behind him.

She couldn’t help herself and glanced down at his bum to see if it was as nice as the rest of him. And Merlin is it, “If you’ll just follow me this way.” As she stepped past him, more closely than was perfectly necessary, she couldn’t help but admire him. It was obvious from the firmness of his chest that he’d put a great deal of effort into his physique.

As they walked together further into her home, she could feel his eyes on her like a physical heat. Since they were training, she was sporting a rather tight top and a skirt that many would think was risqué, though she found it far more comfortable to train in. There hadn’t been any ulterior motive behind her choice, but she could understand why it caught his eye. I’m gorgeous, after all.  And what’s more, she found herself enjoying the attention.

She could only scold herself. Just what do you think you’re doing… You’re meant to be his mentor not an infatuated schoolgirl. It was hard to know just what had come over her. Yes, he was a handsome young man but that wasn’t an excuse. Get a hold of yourself you foolish woman.

“It’s just this way.” She led him to a set of stairs that led down to a surprisingly large basement. Thank goodness for the wonders of magic. It was more than big enough to fit a professional regulation dueling platform, “Well, here we are.”

“Wow…” he looked around the room with a curious eye, “it’s brilliant!”

“I’m glad you think so.” His genuine enthusiasm was infectious. As much as she loved what she did, reveled in her own superior ability, she couldn’t remember the last time she felt such obvious joy at the mere sight of the dueling platform, “So… shall we?”

He turned to her, obviously shocked, “What? Just like that?”

“If I’m going to train you, I need to know exactly what I’m working with Harry.” She made her way up onto the platform and turned around just in time to catch him averting his gaze. His blush at having been caught was adorable, “Come on then.”

Bounding up the steps, Harry moved to the other side of the platform from her. Once he was across from her, he reached for the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. For a split second, her brain shut off expecting him to be bare chested afterward. She breathed a mental sigh of relief when that wasn’t the case. No, instead he was in a sleeveless athletic shirt that did a fantastic job of highlighting his well-defined shoulders and arms.

He bounced on his feet back and forth and shook out his arms, loosening himself up. He closed his eyes to center himself, and he didn’t catch her biting the corner of her lip because of it. He looked utterly delectable… and it was taking a great deal of focus, and no small amount of Occlumency, not to let him realize how he was affecting her.

When she agreed to take him on as a pupil, she wasn’t expecting this… this primal attraction to him. It hadn’t even crossed her mind, but she could feel it deep down, almost like it was in her very magic. When her cousin showed her memories of Harry’s duels, she recognized that he was turning out to be an attractive man, but it was entirely different to experience it in person. It certainly never made it on to the pros and cons list, that’s for damn sure. It was making her horny, the dampness between her thighs could attest to that… and a little bit angry, too.

It made her that much more eager for the duel to come. Her wand appeared in her hand as his eyes opened, “Ready?” He gave a short nod, and they both bowed out of habit. They both moved into their stances and without a word the duel began.

Something became immediately apparent to her. While his shields were impeccable and his spells quick, it was like he was holding back, like he was nervous. She’d seen enough of his duels before to know that he wasn’t defensive because well, he’d modeled a great of his own style after her and she wasn’t a defensive duelist.

It was unnatural for him, and she had him retreating within minutes. He barely had a quarter of the platform to work with as pushed him with very little trouble. It ended when she caught him with a Banishing Charm in the shoulder by creating a weakness in his shield. He went tumbling off the dueling platform and two dull thuds followed, one as he hit the wall and another as he hit the ground below. There was no pathetic sniveling or pained noises as she hopped to the ground and kneeled over him.

He looked at her, and she could feel the embarrassment radiating from him. She didn’t make it any better with what she had to say, at least not at first, “That was pathetic. Not quite remedial but nowhere near professional quality.”

“You don’t mince your words…” He dropped his head hard against the ground and had a hard time meeting her eye.

“No, I don’t. I’ve never seen the point.” Nudging him in the shoulder, she goaded him, “Ickle little Harry Potter ready to give up just like that because he got his arse handed to him one time?”

His eyes snapped to hers and she could see exactly what she was looking for. There was a fire in them, the same one she remembered from that first time that he was going to be a duelist, an obvious passion that she knew all to well from looking in the mirror, “Never.”

She smirked, “Good, I thought not.” Offering him a hand, he took it and she struggled to help him back onto his feet. They were close enough that she could feel his hot breath ghost across her cheek. Looking up at him she asked, “Do you remember what I told you that first time that you saw me duel in person?”

“Of course, how could I forget?” he had a soft smile on his face at the memory, “you told me that if I wanted this, I needed to do it wholeheartedly, that I needed to really mean it.”

Bellatrix couldn’t help but smile at his recollection, “That’s right, and I think you have. I’ve seen enough of your duels to know that you’ve put the time and effort in. But there’s one thing you need to understand.” At his curious look, she explained, “I didn’t just mean dueling as a pursuit. You need to mean every spell from the moment you step onto that platform. Whether you’re fighting against your hero or greatest enemy, it doesn’t matter because the only way to be the best, and beat the best, is to give it your absolute all. Nothing else will ever be enough.”

As the words sunk in, she could see a change in him. He looked more relaxed and yet somehow more determined. It was something in the set of his brow and the way he straightened. And she could almost feel his magic wash over her and it felt incredible. Taking a step back, lest she do something foolish, she glanced back at the platform, “So… again?”


“And this time, you’re going to fight like yourself rather than doing what you think will work against me simply because others have managed it. That won’t do you any good.” He ran a through his hair and chuckled nervously, “Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” Her grin was damn near predatory, “Just because you’ve seen all of my duels doesn’t mean you can fool me.”

“I’d never dream of it.” With that they made their way back onto the platform.

They bowed again, and the difference was immediate. He was on the offensive from the moment his first spell left his wand, he used transfiguration and conjuration to his advantage, he tried to alter the environment around her to make it difficult to maintain her balance. All the things she’d seen that had impressed her enough to take him on as her pupil to begin with.

But the thing that memories couldn’t show her was the sheer might of his spells. They hit against her shields with a physical force the likes of which she’d only experienced once before in her life. They were bright and cut through the air with a speed that rivaled, and probably even surpassed, her own.

It was exhilarating. Bellatrix couldn’t remember the last time she’d experienced such a duel. She’d faced and beaten dozens of opponents in her time, but it had been more than a decade since she last found one who could truly challenge her. Of course, if it was going to be anyone it was going to be Harry.

The longer they went, the easier it became to understand how he could have beaten Sirius and Lily at the same time. His awareness and agility on the platform were something that very few people could ever hope to match. His stamina was as good as anyone she’d ever seen. And his raw power could see most duelist he encountered beaten in short order. Flitwick obviously wasn’t lying either.

Still, she had years of experience and no small amount of power and skill on her side. And Bellatrix had no interest in losing, not even to Harry. And certainly not on our first day working together. I wouldn’t be much of mentor if he managed that.

The distance between them closed, each of them pushing hard with their magic and their bodies. She countered a conjured tiger with a vine trap, but the tiger erupted into fire and consumed them. Freezing the flames, she rolled through them. His wand was moving in an arc, but her spell was quicker, more direct, and perfectly aimed.

His wand shot out of his hand, clattering along the dueling platform before it fell off on the other side. Harry’s emerald eyes were wild, the pupils blown out from the pure adrenaline of their duel. They were so close to one another, yet again. There was sweat that made his shirt stick tight to his body and she couldn’t help but admire it.

When she looked back into his eyes, she was sure she’d been caught and she didn’t particularly care. It wasn’t as though he didn’t do the same. She could feel her pointy nipples pressed against the soft fabric of her shirt, right there for him to see, and he didn’t pass up the opportunity. It was taking a great deal of her impressive self-control not to do something foolish, but that resolve was slipping with each passing second.

Her voice came out tight, tinged with the same tension that hung in the air, “A good show, but I win.” He was staring at her lips with every word that left her mouth, “Plenty we can work with though. With time we’ll have you wiping the floor with nearly everyone.” It was left unsaid that she would still be the exception.

But she wasn’t sure if he even heard a word that she was saying because he was just so enchanted with her. And then he did something that should’ve been entirely innocent but tore down her last resistance. His tongue darted out to wet his lower lip, and then he ran a hand through his dark hair.

It was horribly unprofessional, but she couldn’t deny the charged atmosphere from the moment he walked into her home, and nor did she want to. For the first time in years, she felt that spark of physical attraction and chemistry, and she could tell that he felt it, too.

Pushing on to her toes, her hand curled roughly around the back of his neck as she pulled him into a hungry kiss. Just that was enough to send a jolt of electricity down her spine that had her toes curling in her shoes. He kissed her back with an equal passion, his hands falling to her hips, pulling her tight, tight enough that she could feel the press of his length against her lower belly.

Whimpering into the kiss, she felt him exploring. One hand slipping beneath the hem of her skirt only to find the curve of her bum, the other sliding up beneath her shirt to cup one of her full tits. He took hold of her nipple and pinched and twisted it beneath the fabric.

She was no better, her hand drifting to the front of the trousers to press against the obvious bulge that was there. There was a rational part of her mind that was screaming at her to stop, but she was beyond reason already. Still, she somehow managed to pull away. If nothing else, that part of her felt like she needed to explain, “I didn’t plan this…”

“I didn’t think you did.” Harry planted another kiss on her lips before she had the chance to continue, but pulled away a second later as he pulled her shirt up over the swell of her bosom to reveal her full breasts. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as he leaned down to suckle on one of her pink, inviting nipples before pulling away to tell her, “But I’ve been dreaming about this for as long as I can remember, so I’m not questioning it.”

“Aww…” her breath hitched as his fingers found the gusset of her knickers and moved them to the side. She was so wet that there was an audible squelch as he sunk two fingers into her aching heat, “Did… did… little Harry Potter have a few wet dreams about little… little old Bella.”

He looked at her with an intensity that took her breath away, “More than a few… try all of them, every single time whether I was awake or asleep.” She’d had plenty of admirers before, and a fair few of them were creeps, but Harry’s admission just made her gush, “You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen when I was ten years old, and that hasn’t changed since. Is it any wonder I ended up with the biggest crush on you? What do you expect?”

Taking hold of his wrist, she pulled his fingers free of her sex and looked him right in the eye as she licked her own juices from them. When she felt him shudder, she couldn’t help the wicked grin that made it to her lips, “I expect…” Her hands urgently worked his trousers down his legs to reveal his throbbing manhood, “you to show me all of those things that you’ve been dreaming about.”

Bellatrix was a woman accustomed to being in control, of herself, her magic, her emotions, and even of the dueling arena. So, there was something thrilling about the feeling of absolute weightlessness as Harry so easily moved her body. Looks like the hard work he’s put in isn’t just for show. Lifting her into the air, he guided her onto her back.

Flipping up her skirt, he got his first look at her neatly trimmed bush, her plump mound, and her glistening lips. He sawed his turgid member between her lips, covering the bottom of his cock in her juices. She felt his spongy dome poke just below her bellybutton and it made her shudder in pleasure.

Smack! He dropped his cock down against her clit and sent a jolt right down her spine. A little squirt of her juices covered his balls as she shuddered through a mini-orgasm. She bit her lower lip hard enough that it nearly bled as she waited for him to fill her up, but he just kept teasing her. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and she snarled out, “Are you going to fuck me or are you just going to keep staring?!”

The last word came out in a scream as he finally lodged his fat cockhead between her puffy lips and filled her in one steady, deliberate thrust. It took her breath away, her mouth falling open in shock as her pussy rippled in rapture. Her muscles twitched and hugged him so tight there was no way he could hope to move, not one inch. He just had to sit there at wait for her to relax.

In her whole life, she’d never felt anything quite like it. He just felt right inside of her, and it was immediately addictive, “Oh… fuck, Harry… please… just fuck me!”

His first thrust was small, just a little stab that scraped along her sensitive walls and nudged against that wonderful spot deep inside of her. Her back arched off the ground. He filled his hands with her tits as he started ravaging her body.

Every thrust sent her curvy body jiggling deliciously. Whether she was the girl of his dreams or not, it was clear that he’d gotten his fair share of practice, and she was the one reaping the rewards. He found a perfect rhythm that left her moaning out his name in utter extasy. At least until speech became too difficult, and she was turned into nothing more than a spasming puddle of girlcum as he worked her over to perfection.

There were fireworks in her eyes every time he filled her… over and over. It was raw and primal fucking, not lovemaking, not yet. It was him taking out years of pent-up aggression on a woman that he’d never stopped lusting after, and she loved every single fucking second of it.

Eventually, his admittedly impressive stamina simply couldn’t stand up to the incessant clutching warmth of her climaxing sex. Feeling him twitch inside of her, growing just fractionally bigger, she didn’t have the strength to stop him as he buried himself to the root inside of her. She knew that it was risky, that she hadn’t taken the potion or performed the charm, and there was a part of her that found that thrilling. There was another part of her that knew that was foolish beyond belief, but her throat was raw from every scream he pulled from her body, and she couldn’t find her voice.

Then she felt that heat that suffused the deepest part of her, and any worry she felt disappeared. She twitched with him as they both went through an otherworldly peak. She rotated her hips against his groin, trying to get every extra drop of seed she could from his heavy balls until finally his body relaxed and he sat back on his heels.

His cock slipped free of her pussy and a trail of white followed it. Even though she was a fuck drunk mess, he still looked at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. She didn’t know how long it took, but eventually she managed to recover enough to regain use of her arms. Unable to help herself, she giggled, “I think there’s plenty to work with there, too.”

Chuckling, he squeezed her thigh, “Happy to hear that I impressed.”


Jeromey Johnson

Please have a follow up to this chapter where it ends with Lily having to scold Harry for getting his “mentor” pregnant loved this!


Extremely fun and twice as sexy. Well damn done sir.


oh could we please have a follow up to this? Please to the power of Please