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Hello, everyone, I've just noticed something, and I wanted to point it out in case it's an issue for you as well. 

For some reason, since patreon has updated the website, italics that are present in the version of each story that I can see don't carry over to the posted version. So, all of the thoughts, which I usually do in italics, are appearing as plain text as far as I can tell. And this includes all of my posts from before the update.  I've tried a few things to fix it, but when I go to edit them, all of the formatting is present. 

This isn't a problem for the PDF versions attached to each post. So, as I try to resolve this, my recommendation would be to download those if you have the capability. For the time being, until I know it's been fixed, I will do tick mark ('....') to denote thoughts in future posts. If this persists as a problem, I will go back to old posts and make the necessary change to them as well. 



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