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AN: I'm back! Thank you for the patience and support over the last month. Things have settled down, and I'm able to focus on writing again.

You can expect a new chapter of Clever Snakes next, and a new poll on Monday.

Hope you enjoy!


Ciri- Laraajng

Harry watched the scene in front of him dispassionately. It was difficult not to roll his eyes as a young Tom Riddle jumped on the bed as a fire erupted in his wardrobe. His stolen trinkets, from the children he tormented, floated out as the doors burst open. He half-listened as the memory of a younger Dumbledore scolded the monster in the making.

 If the headmaster was aware of Harry’s disinterest, he didn’t make any mention of it. It was only as the memory of Dumbledore made for the door, and Tom informed him of his ability to speak to snakes, that the memory ended, and he found himself standing in the headmaster’s office again.

“Please, have a seat, Harry. There’s much to discuss.” He took a seat behind his massive desk and gestured for Harry to do the same across from him.

It took physical effort not to roll his eyes as he sat back into the cushioned chair. When Dumbledore broached the subject of private lessons, so he’d be better prepared for Voldemort, he’d been willing even knowing that wasn’t a real concern in his life anymore. No harm in learning some magic from one of the greatest wizards alive.

Of course, the headmaster clearly had different ideas of what would be useful against one of the most dangerous wizards ever born. Apparently, pointless history lessons are far more useful than magic. I just can’t see the bigger picture.


“Professor,” Harry cut him off before he could get going, “was there a point to any of that?”

“Understanding Voldemort is paramount to is eventual defeat, Harry.” Dumbledore explained to him patiently, though with a slight narrowing at the corner of the eyes that betrayed some irritation, “There are things about his past that you must know.”

“Why exactly, professor?” Harry knew better than anyone that Tom wasn’t coming back anytime soon. His body perished on a barren world and his spirit screamed futilely into the emptiness. There was no potion that could resurrect him or followers who could find him.

Dumbledore frowned, not expecting such blunt disregard, bordering on the edge of disdain, “I would think that’s obvious, my boy. You know the prophecy. He won’t rest until you’re dead.”

“And for months that worried me.” Harry admitted. He was understandably feeling rather fatalistic over the summer. It was hard not to be after finding out the exact nature of the prophecy on top of losing Sirius. But now, things were decidedly different thanks to a young woman still safely sequestered just a handful of floors above where they were currently sitting, “But Voldemort is gone, vanished… poof into thin air.”

“He’ll return.”  The headmaster was good at sounding confident even when he was painfully uninformed about the facts.

“Are you sure, professor?” Harry refused to let the matter drop, “Because you seem to be the only one. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be hurrying to find a new Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor.”

“Severus and I came to an agreement that his talents would be put to better use outside of the castle.” He stared at Harry over the rim of his half-moon spectacles, his gaze cold as he grew more irritated, “His absence isn’t a commentary on the situation with Lord Voldemort.”

Harry didn’t believe Dumbledore for one second. Snape coveted his new position for years, and yet, just months later, he gave it up without a second thought, “It would’ve been far better for every student in the castle who isn’t a part of Slytherin if you’d come to that mutual decision more than a decade ago.”

The headmaster sighed, looking horribly disappointed in that affected, grandfatherly way of his, “Really Harry, is this necessary? Have I not proven that I have your best interests at heart? Do you not trust me despite these many years now?”

“Yes. No. And yes. In that order.” Harry chuckled as Dumbledore’s mouth dropped open in surprise, “Yes, it’s necessary because if this evening was anything to go by, we’re wasting our time. If you really think Voldemort is going to come back, again, then we’ve been given time.  Time that I didn’t have before. So, history lessons feel rather useless when I could be learning magic that will help me survive if he comes back. Or better yet, if some of his psychotic followers decide that attacking me will bring their lost master back… again!”

“When.” Dumbledore corrected him, almost as though he hadn’t heard anything but the ‘if’ in his tirade. Harry had to bite his tongue not to tell him exactly where he could shove his lessons, “And while I understand your youth makes it difficult to see the value in this sort of lesson…”

“It’s not my age, professor.” This time he watched the wizened wizard’s left eyebrow twitch at being interrupted, “It’s simple logic. Whatever you wish for me to learn from the memories could surely be wrapped up in a neat little bow with a quick explanation, and our time better spent on preparing me for actually facing him.”

“There’s nothing more important than this Harry.” Dumbledore insisted.

Harry snorted out a laugh, “Then I suppose I’ll need to find someone else to help me learn. Because it seems you’re not willing, professor.”

“I think not.”

“Considering I often find myself in near death situations, despite your best efforts, I’m not entirely sure I care what you think.” He could tell that those words stung, but he wasn’t concerned with Dumbledore’s feelings, “Are we done?”

His long, thin fingers drummed against the dark wood of his desk as he appraised Harry. There was no twinkle in his eye, just a calm calculation. When their eyes met, Harry felt a probing on the surface of his mind. While he was far from the greatest occlumens, he’d learned enough to sense it and put an end to it.

It took every ounce of his effort not to rage at the headmaster. He was still one of the most skilled wizards alive, so he couldn’t imagine much good would come of reacting. Instead, his voice was calm, hard as steel, as he glared at the old man, “Really, professor? I don’t fall in line with your way of thinking and you resort to invading my mind?”

Dumbledore at least had the decency to look ashamed. When he spoke, he sounded tired, “My apologies, Harry. You’re right of course. I had no right, but I could think of nothing else. Your skepticism and distrust are… unexpected.”

“After everything that happened last year, it only makes sense that I should question some of your decisions. You seem to forget that I’m a person with my own thoughts… who funnily enough can leave this castle whenever I see fit since completing my OWLs.” That was the first time that he saw genuine panic in the headmaster’s eyes.

“That would be unwise. There’s much you still need to learn.”

“I agree, though it doesn’t seem you’re willing to teach it.”

Dumbledore sighed, giving a small shake of his head, “It only seems fair that I should compromise if you’re willing to put your faith in me despite my failures.” Finally, he conceded, “You have my word, I’ll teach you everything I can to best prepare you for the trials ahead of you. Both magic and information.”

Considering that it was like pulling teeth just to get that much out of the headmaster, he was understandably slow to trust his word. No harm in seeing if he’s as good as it though. And if he isn’t, there’s always other options.

“Alright, professor.”

Dumbledore smiled and continued to give him an inane insight into the mind of a young sociopath.

When he left the office nearly an hour later, he didn’t make his way up to Gryffindor Tower and instead headed straight for the seventh floor. He spent far more time in the room than he did in the tower since Ciri’s arrival. It was hard not to when she simply had a great deal more to offer.

As he stepped inside, he started talking without knowing where the now constant resident was, “Well… that was a waste of time.”

“I told you it would be…” Ciri’s voice echoed in the room from the far corner. The room was in its usual homey configuration that Ciri kept when she wasn’t thrashing him while teaching him swordplay or keeping her own skills sharp, “From everything you’ve said about the man, he only keeps his own council, be damned what anyone else thinks. I don’t think that was going to change for your sake.”

Making his way over to her voice, he stepped around a screen that kept her obscured and came up short.. She was lounging back in a simple copper tub, the surface of the water was covered with bubble but her long, smooth legs were sticking out up to the knee over the edge.

Feeling the heat rising in his cheeks, he turned on instinct, “Sorry… I didn’t realize you were…”

Stopping him with a shush, she giggled “There’s nothing to apologize for, Harry. You didn’t know and I don’t mind.” She ran her hand through the surface of the water, gathering some bubbles, “Not as though you can see anything more than my shins anyway. I know you said the wizarding world is quite old-fashioned, at least by this world’s standards, but I didn’t think a bit of leg would cause such a problem.”

That was true, at least until she pushed up just enough in the tub. She was still mostly hidden beneath the bubbles, but he could see the curve of her perky chest, and just a hint of the rosy pink of her tight areola. It was effortlessly sexy and sent a rush of blood just below his belt. He made sure to sit down quickly before the effect she was having on him made itself obvious.    

He couldn’t help but look, and from the little smirk on her lips, she knew exactly what she was doing, “So, what did your headmaster have to teach you then?”

“A history lesson…” He gave her the details, as she stayed there, lazing in the tub.

When he was finished, she snorted out a derisive laugh, “Hell, you weren’t joking when you said it was a waste of time! I would’ve just popped out of there.”

“Not all of us can pop around Hogwarts, Ciri.” Harry reminded her.

“Right, well that sounds like a you problem.”

Poking her in the shoulder, he said completely deadpan, “Really, I didn’t notice.”

“I know, that’s why I’m here to point these things out.” She said unrepentantly, before turning more serious, “Is there a reason why this headmaster of yours can’t accept what is obvious to everyone else.”

Harry had considered that same thing, and thought he’d come up with an answer, “Admitting that Voldemort is gone and never coming back this time around would be conceding that he’s wasted years of his life for nothing… and I think he’d feel a bit of guilt that my rather miserable childhood was entirely unnecessary.”

“He sounds arrogant and self-absorbed… he would’ve gotten along splendidly with a good many of the magicians I knew growing up.” They both chuckled at that before she asked, “Do you think he’ll keep his word?”

“I’m willing to give him the chance but if he doesn’t…” He wasn’t sure what exactly he was going to do. Sure he had some ideas, and with Ciri the possibilities seemed genuinely endless, but there was no knowing if she would actually want him to tag along whenever she was ready to leave.

There was Ron and Hermione, but they’d been so caught up in their own lives, particularly their romantic stupidities, that they didn’t seem all that concerned about him. There was the rest of the Weasley’s, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Remus, and a few others who might be concerned but the idea was appealing if it meant being out from underneath Dumbledore’s thumb. And it’s not as though I’d never come back anyway.

“Well, there’s plenty of places to go where he can’t follow you…” As if sensing his uncertainty, she told him, “And you’ll still have me for company if you want.”

He grinned, unable to hide just how pleased he was to hear her say it, “Not tired of me yet, hmm?”

She flicked some water at him, “Not nearly, Harry.” She gave him a cheeky smile, “Besides, there’s no knowing if or when the Hunt will catch up with me again… I can’t go losing my secret weapon now, can I?”

Harry feigned hurt, “I knew that’s all I was to you… nothing more than a weapon to be used!” There were times, in the last six months, since finding out about the prophecy, that he thought that exact thing about Dumbledore. The only difference is that he knew that Ciri didn’t really mean it.

Ciri just rolled her eyes, “Not just a weapon. You’re a passable conversationalist, a solid student with a sword, and… not half bad to look at either.”

Harry looked into her strikingly green eyes and couldn’t help but let his eyes drift down to the edge of the water. The bubbles were dissipating slowly as they talked and meant that he could make out more of her slender body. I’ll take not half bad, if it gives her more reason to stick around.

There was an enigmatic little smile on her lips as she noticed his distraction ad their eyes met again. The silence felt charged and far longer than the scant few seconds that passed.

Then she did something that he really wasn’t expecting, she put her hands on either side of the tub and pushed herself up. She shimmered in the light, her pale, smooth skin beautifully enticing as water dripped down her gorgeous body. There was a small tuft of ashen-white hair just above her tiny, pink slit.

His eyes were drawn to every tantalizing inch of her like a moth to flame. Whatever brief reprieve Harry managed to win himself by sitting down when he entered the room, his problem came back in full force. His face was burning red as he tried to turn away.

Her footsteps were wet as she padded her way over to him. Her soft hand found his chin as she turned his face back to her. She was so close to him, his mouth mere inches away from the rosy pink of her taught nipple.

“Really, Harry, all this time I thought you liked me, but the first time you get a chance to see me you turn away like I’m a hag that just rose up out of the swamp.” Her voice was sweet, teasing.

That couldn’t be further from the truth, He’d found her gorgeous from that first moment he met her in the midst of chaos. And as he’d gotten to know her, that feeling had only grown rather than diminished, “I… no… no… of course not… I…” His mind was a jumble, his tongue tying itself in knot as he fumbled through his words, trying to come up with an explanation.

Her thumb rubbing his cheek was enough to silence him, “There’s still a great deal about me you don’t know. Things that I’d like to leave in the past,” Each word came out thick, tinged with the weight of her own history, “things that I think I’ll tell you one day if we stay together. For now, just know that I’ve been used, even by some who’ve made it seem like they had good intentions. But not you, since the day you saved my life without even knowing the reason why, you’ve asked nothing of me.”

Harry swallowed, finding it within himself to concentrate on something other than her beauty, “That’s because I didn’t do it for any reward… I did it because… well I thought it was the right thing to do.”

“I know.” Her hand pressed against his shoulder, and he found himself leaning back in the chair as she straddled his left leg. His shirt and trousers grew wet as she sat down on him, “And I’d like to show you just how much I appreciate it.”

Harry had a little smile at the corner of his lips, “I thought you already did that when you dealt with Tom?”

“No, definitely not. You’ve kept Eredin and his riders off me for months, Tom only took a night… hardly seems like a fair trade to me.” Grabbing his right wrist, she gently guided his hand up to her breast. Her breath hitched as he cupped the soft, yielding flesh, “Now… are you going to keep talking or are you going to take advantage of the naked woman sitting in your lap?”  

Harry knew that he could be a bit oblivious at times, but even he knew she was right. Her fingers tangled in his hair, as he leaned in to capture her excited nub between his teeth.

Ciri gasped as she grinded her sex against his leg. Her voice was husky, filled with a passion that he only ever thought he’d hear from her in his dreams, “Care… careful, Harry. That’s very sensitive.”

His other hand reached around to cup her bum, helping her along as she humped against him. She moaned low in her throat, her nails scraping against his scalp. His clothes were damp enough that they were sticking to his body, but he didn’t care.

“That’s it… just like that… you’ve always… always been a quick learner!” Her laughter caught in her throat as his tongue swirled along her adorable little nipple before he took it gently between his teeth and pulled on it. He didn’t have any experience of his own to go on. But he could hear every quick inhale of breath, every drawn-out groan, every whispered word of encouragement and made a point to keep them in mind.

Her fingers interlaced with his on her breast. Together, she had their hands drift down along the tight skin of her stomach to her mound. Pop. His lips were forced free from her tit as she leaned in, her voice hot against his ear, “I’m so close… just slip inside and…”

Her words were lost in the moment as he pulled her lips to his own. He swallowed her moan as his long middle finger slipped into the slick, gripping heat of her little pussy. He marveled at the flexing muscles as he pumped back and forth the best that he could.

Ciri leaned back, her eyes squeezed shut as she sat there on his knee. Her own fingers found her oversensitive bundle of nerves just peeking out of its hood, but he slapped her hand away. She looked at him, her eyes wild. His voice was deep, commanding as he told her, “Let me.”  As his thumb flicked against her clit, she bit her bottom lip and nodded her head eagerly.

He felt her start to shake as a euphoric squeal bubbled up out of her throat. Her body fell against him as he felt her pussy tremble rapidly around his finger. Suddenly, it wasn’t just water that had his trousers soaked. Her sticky girlcum stained them as her juices pooled around his invading digit.  Her lips found the crook of his neck as she recovered from her peak.

She spoke softly, words a little giddy, “Well… that certainly lived up to all of my expectations.”

“It was brilliant.” And a better ending to the night than I was expecting after that horrid lesson.

Ciri giggled, “Still giving no thought to yourself.” Her palm rested heavy against the bulge in his trousers, “Because it seems to me that we’re not quite done yet.”

Blushing even after what they’d just done, he tried to tell her, “Really, it’s…”

“Exactly what I want to do… so, don’t you dare tell me, no. Besides, I’ve gotten you all wet, we’ll need to dry your clothes.”  Her deft digits undid his belt strap in an instance, and just as fast his trousers and pants were sitting in a pile at his feet before her soft hand found his swollen shaft.

He hissed in pleasure as she worked his precum into the spongy dome, “I know it’s your first time… don’t worry. Just enjoy, alright?”

As he nodded dumbly up at her, she positioned her dripping slit above his crown. They both gasped as he filled her. He couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of her pristine pussy slowly descending along his length. Her finger dug into his shoulder as she let out a rasping breath, “Hmmm… you feel so good in me.”

For his part, Harry was having a hard time forming words. Her clutching cunt was deliriously tight and scorchingly hot around his prick. It took every ounce of his concentration and willpower not to blow his load before she had him sheathed. He did manage one cogent thought though, “So tight.”

Ciri smiled as she slowly pushed up, his cock glistening with her juices as she slowly traveled back up his length. When just the tip remained nestled in her warmth, she said to him, “Remember, enjoy.”

With that simple command she started bouncing on him. Her body jiggled enticingly, as his fingers dug into the soft skin of her hips. It was exquisite pleasure, heady and powerful. Every time he filled her, she let out an adorable squeak that sent a jolt of pleasure straight to his balls.

There was no stopping the torrent of heat surging through his cock. And Ciri certainly wasn’t helping him. Her pointed, perfect movements, her tight, squeezing heat that seemed to be coaxing the cum from his balls, it was all overwhelming.

Then she put the proverbial nail in the coffin, as she spoke in a voice of wanton desire, “I can feel you… oh… throbbing. Every little twitch in… in my pussy as you try to hold back. But I don’t… don’t want you to hold back.” She drove her pussy down onto his length erratically as her walls quivered around him. There was a line of creamy cum that ran down, dripping from where they were joined down to the floor beneath them. In her cum-induced ecstasy, she demanded, “Cum for me, Harry! Give me every drop!”

His grip on her hips was bruising as he held her tight as he could, but it didn’t stop her from giving little bounces as his cock swelled within her. His body was tingling as his balls pulled tight to his body. Thick, white cum filled her gripping heat as she flexed and coaxed every drop she could from him. Ciri leaned closed, her lips right next to his ear as she cooed, “That’s it… so warm…”

When he finished pumping her full, she draped her body over his, the two of them still joined together. He let his fingers graze down the lines of her back, and she shivered in one last mini-orgasm.

Their silent bliss was finally ended but a little giggle from the woman on top of him. At his curious look she told him, “You can add fantastic in bed to the reasons I want to keep you around.”

Harry laughed deep in his chest as he hugged her close, “Well, I’ll take that one.”


Zitronen tee

Welcome back! And with another eagerly awaited chapter of clever snakes on the horizon to boot, I couldn't be happier. Though this one turned out pretty damn good despite me being not much of a ciri fan. Please put down the pitchforks, I saw the the TV adaption. Hours I will never get back.


This amazed me. Both hot and humorous. If this is the return then I am most definitely impressed. I'm sorry things went pear shaped in life but hopefully its smooth sailing for a few years.