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Last episode next week (this time for real xD)

Watch the episode 26 here 

Patreon Tier 3 changed to give access to "Behind the Scenes". I'll be posting base script, character concepts, ideas for next projects, and prints of what I'm working on here in this gallery. Also, username will go to credits of the episodes as Executive Producer (If you don't want it's ok!) for supporting my projects with an extra.

Overall, thanks all patrons for believing in this project and enjoying this series. One more episode to go and start the next adventure, that I'm eager to bring to you!






I'm curious as to how they will have sex for the last time in the series finale?

Israel Moore

Well, I hope that in the final episode that Kristen will outgrow all of the main girls (Excluding of course Sam) even Molly. 😉

The Lone Wolf



I strongly agree “records are ment to be broken!” 😂😂😂 Colus kept her promise to make Kristen into a real giantess! Good attention to details! 😊😊😊


Limits and Records were definitely meant to be broken. XD

Daniel A Ibanez

I like how Anna bust size is the same as Kristen (proportional speaking)

Insane Xepher

I wonder if Kristen want to be the bigger, she know how to disable her own trigger but she don’t drink her own milk, maybe she want to be bigger than anyone, especially in the boobs size. And i want to see her outgrow everyone in the height and boobs. ^^