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Episode 19 Saturday! I believe I can wrap the story in about 3 episodes! And I'm really happy to have been able to complete such "long" Giantess series in Animation!!! (I have stetted the scenes but the video is not done yet, I'm sharing the previews with you).

My next series will be "Genie Growth" and I'm already planning stuff, for next year. If you want, leave ideas or expectations, let me hear! I can only thank you all patrons, for your funding making this project possible!




I wonder if Genie Growth has something to do with the genie grow the more wishes, or that the genie is evil and use the people making wishes make the genie become more powerful?


i'm planning a more slice of slife Poter centered, with her after getting her memories lost xD

John Howard

I doubt people will listen to Anne’s warning. Though I’m sure she’ll be very popular.


I really enjoyed the key word or catch phrase growth you did with all your characters. I loved the mystery of trying to find out how they work intrinsically. Maybe as one suggestion, perhaps the same could apply to poter now she has lost her memories. Maybe she joins an office working a 9-5 and you see countless people wishing out into the void, triggering poter to grow. Seeing how a growing genie adapts too office life and vice versa. Maybe similar moments can bring back her memories and she has bigger spurts by remember her past. As another suggestion, using the same growth key word mechanic; a mystery gang trying to unravel the reason why they grow after they solve a mystery. Each mystery builds off onto each other, maybe it points to a wish that was forgotten from a certain wish just recently made or maybe it was curse, who knows :)