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"Anne Yellow, from Daily Bimbo, brings the news of what's coming on next episode of SSS!"
Watch SSS 5: https://potercolus.net/comic/super-size-sheila-05
Download RPG Comic (77 pages): Download here - As I said when I cancelled this RPG project in January, that I wanted to focus on less stories at same time, and focus only on quality to next animated series (SSS), I'm happy with the result, I hope you are as well! But just as Pearl returned as a character, I'll bring Trinity and Jane too, since some people are asking about them. Thanks for the feedback guys!

(I'm thinking of making this on Mondays to bring news in a fun way interacting with you xD)




SSS6 looks like it’s gonna be all sorts of fun. Ya love to see it


Wow Bia’s art style seems different in this preview. I dig it! 🔥