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For real this time, last one! I've been sneaky, but I mean it this time <3  

I know some of you have been looking forward to this video, and I really didn't want to disappoint you with it not being as good as you might've imagined. I hated how chubby I felt while editing this, not that chubby is bad, but I feel like I wasn't take great care of myself and it was reflected in this video. But I realized it's more disappointing to never see it than to see it and be a little let down. I hope that isn't the case though! I hope you enjoy this sexy, playful succubus even if I was critical of her<3 

and I hope you've enjoyed this very Aftyn filled Friday. It has been fun sharing these videos like this :D I have loved your comments and excitement and encouragement. I hope that so many posts wasn't too much, but judging by your comments, this doesn't seem to be the case and that makes me happy :) 

I procrastinated, to be sure. but I'm glad I was able to get some things together for you and overcome my anxiety about it- even if at the last minute. I hope You have enjoyed the April videos! I'm so glad I got them in before the end of the month!

Much much love and good night my friends <3



Intrigued succubus

You are becoming something of a celebrity among the succubi, and this alluring fame has delivered another visitor!



Moving on. So disappointed but as they say, enough is enough. It would only have taken a word or two from our girl to keep me hoping but no, nothing. No one likes to be ghosted. For those looking for ASMR content every bit as enthralling as our dear departed Aftyn produced, lookup DaniASMR. https://linktr.ee/daniasmr I don't feel bad making this recommendation here because my loyalty to Aftyn has not been reciprocated. My only hope is that nothing tragic has happened to AR and wish her only happiness in her life going forward.


On the Reddit thread r/nsfwasmr, Miry404 posted 14 days ago that she got married... and found a pic to prove it. https://simp1.jpg.church/images/unknown_318544627_911247623373098_7348114260973857787_nb259a3188eac9dc60fcbc845ef0fccff.jpg


If this is true im very happy for her, but i dont think this would be a reason to quit. But a child maybe.


whatever she is doing is her business alone and yall need to chill its creepy reading some of the shit yall post


damn and I just paid for this now as well. Oh well, I'm happy to support her somewhat anyway even if she's finished. It's her life and up to her although I hope we'll get an update one day. I'm happy for her though. Besides, there are many other good ASMR people too.


I am waiting, hope never die.

Mr B

Is just me or her web side has been taken down?


I keep getting a maintenance tab and nothing is working anybody know why?


Sometimes I find you have to retry a few times with different videos before it unlocks and lets you in. I just got in but took me three tries going in and out.


Her website and patreon are still up and running, so I'm sure she's fine. Hopefully she is happy and living her best life. Maybe we will see her again one day.


its been officially two whole years and not a word. she has ghosted us all it seems.


I hope she released all her unreleased content at some point

Zhan Thor

You are the best and we all miss you, I hope your new path is going well


none of the videos work, and I get an error when I'm directed to your website to "unlock with patreon". I can't access any content. Please help.

Mr B

Who is still missing her?


every day i check. now i can relate to people who are looking out the window every single day, waiting until their loved one they lost return.


I get the feeling the last drop of a couple of videos was an ending. Like she put out what was in the pipeline and quit.


Wish you be happy!


Been Here almost every day checking. I Just reread the description of this Last Video and realize her words "For real this time, last one!"


Yeah but that was in a huge drop of over a dozen vids that all came out in the same month so contextually it could go either way.


You know, I hope wherever she is, whatever she’s doing, she’s happy. Getting out of a business like this can be tough, so I hope she’s found success doing what she loves.


i wonder when she would have a come back one day, if the majority of her patrons would just go with it


Why does her account still exist here...?? Any theories?


It is the way to access the videos on her private site. *fingers crossed* she intends to come back one day which is why we’ve had free access to her vids all this time. She wants to keep her fans somewhat happy 🙂


Happy new year aftyn and to all aftyn lovers


Last video was April 2021 😭 Still holding out hope she’ll come back one day

John B

I only recently joined her page and after watching a few videos in complete amazement I was very sad to see that she hadn't posted anything in almost 3 years. She was perfect, asmr was awesome, vary beautiful, amazing body..... Hoping someday she comes back, soon maybe :)

Kaz Miller


Mr B

Where is the queen 😔😔😔😔?

Zhan Thor

we will always and forever miss you

Mr B

So I decided to support her even after knowing she is absent, but my question is, does patreon stills renews every 1 right?

Karamel Thunder

Yes, however Aftyn always pauses the billing when she's absent, so you won't be charged again until she comes back, and you still have access to whatever tier you're subscribed at!


She will not come back. She made her money and has retired. This is a fall back plan at the most which I'm sure she hopes to never need to resort to.


the bird is the word


Does anyone here actually know her? Any kind of update would be cool


her admin in discord says aftyn is fine but nothing else 🤷🏻‍♂️


People's creepy obsession with her is the reason she won't, I doubt Maimy gets treated like this bc if she did she be gone too. Too many creepers these days take the fun and joy out what she was doing.


I very much doubt Maimy gets special treatment in that regard, lol.


There was a burglary at Maimy's home two days ago. She posted about it on Instagram. The Story is gone now, but she suspects this was a stalker as he went mainly for her mics and hard drives. So I think I can safely say she has it worse at the moment...


good grief, can only imagine what happen to Aftyn then. oh boy thats terrible for Maimy

Life :

Jeez thats hard to hear. Take all the time she needs, sorry to hear that


Why does she keep her website up with all the videos? I feel like generally it’s a scorched-earth policy on what you’ve posted after you stop making content.


Apparently she doesn’t give a shit about any of this. It’s been a year and a half and most of her videos are on YouTube now anyway.


Where the videos at?


Seriously, we just want to know ONE SIMPLE THING: Is she coming back? It's a one word response: 'yes' or 'no.' How is that too much to ask?


She is paying for hosting for her site and giving access to it for free for over a year and a half to all of her active patreons. Again, for free.


There is no cost to creators if they aren’t making money. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027674431-What-fees-can-I-expect-as-a-creator- She’s not paying for us for anything. You’re just making excuses up for her


I am not talking about Patreon. Aftynroseasmr.com's video hosting is paid for by Aftyn (Someone has to pay for it)


I understand this. but it still doesn't answer the question.

DB Cooper

im never giving up hope


Any recs on similar type content? Here or on OF?


I really hope she's having a good life , i love her videos, no one will ever be as good as she, i'll continue watching her videos over and over again, if she never comes back, well... i hope everything works outs for her

Mr B

She was my wish for Xmas, for her to comeback. But it didn’t happen 😭😭😭😭. I hope everyone is having great time with your family.


It would have been the most exciting surprise ive ever had.

Oracle Raven

Happy... New... Year... *dies from lack of Aftyn*


In april I'm giving up, it'll have been 2 years. There's no point hoping anymore, month after month waiting like a loyal dog to see it's owner. Sucks, but it's time to move on.

Mr B

Still missing her 🥲