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Hi everybody,

I'm sorry I've been so quiet these past couple weeks. I have been very drained from renovations and things, and am so distracted. I'm disappointed in myself for not keeping the communications going as much as I had intended to, and I'm sure a lot of you are too. And I'm sorry those dabbler videos are taking so long for me to release. I am very grateful for all of the patience and understanding people have been showing me though, here and in the discord! I feel like I don't deserve it, but I really want to work on myself and I have such high hopes and plans for how things will be once these renovations are finished and life doesn't feel so jumbled! 

As far as the renovations go, things are coming along, however slower than expected. Originally I wanted it to be finished before the end of April, but as things have been going I imagine it will take longer than that.  Our new goal is to have it finished before the end of May and to start Summer off in a fancy new room! I think I will hire some extra helpers for the next couple phases to move the project along faster.

I will continue to keep the billing cycle paused until my renovations are complete and do my best to release more content before then. I'd still like to do a cooking video! and ideally, I plan to go back and finish editing the videos I've abandoned for one reason or another and get them ready to share with you guys. I know a lot of you have wanted to see certain videos I've teased and didn't release due to my high standards. And who knows, maybe some of them you'll like even if I didn't! Also, I think it would great to start off fresh in this new studio and make amazing videos without looking back :)

Don't get your hopes up on those unreleased videos though. They are unreleased for a reason after all! I do not think they're all bad, but I might still decide not to share certain ones. We will see! 

On a somewhat related note, I took a tumbled a couple weeks ago and fell right on my poor lil face. I was all bruised and rough looking, but I did a lot of sleeping and am looking and feeling much better now! Anyway, this is one of the reasons I haven't been very active on the snapchat lately </3 

I don't have too much more to say than that I think! I'm sorry again. I've been getting a little too caught up in my future plans and feeling frozen. I realize I can't keep letting myself freeze up though and I need to pull through on my promises.

I hope you have all been enjoying April. We've had a lot of really nice, warm, sunny days here recently! I have been enjoying it, as have the animals. And it really helps with the renovating to work in the nicer weather. I hope you have been able to enjoy some nice outside time too :)

Much love and I hope you are having a lovely day/night <3




probably wasnt turned into a studio she has no reason to tell people the truth she dip with the money over two years ago and she still leaves her patreon on up to get any unwitting person to pay for 30 bucks shes still probably making a few hundred bucks a month off old content so why not leave it up and make everyone still dream of her coming back which she wont. i hope her husband is the happyest dude on earth cause he better never fucking complain about the life he got


I mean... at least she isn't still charging for current members and her site is up.. I haven't had to pay in over 2 years at this point but can at least access all of her stuff.


What do I need to do to get added on snapchat?


where is that floor I'm going to beat it up


Take your time, sorry about the spill (omg), glad you are better!!!! We are all here to support you. Can't wait till the new studio is finished, so excited for you Affy!!!!!


Cooking video sounds fun


thanks for the update! I've had a disassembled shower kit in my basement for over a year so I feel you on the reno front...


Thanks for the update. Hope you heal well. A fall like that is never a fun ordeal. Take care.

Chuckles Reed

You def have ALOT going on. Hope you continue to heal from the tumble. Also renovating is always kinda fun because you have something new in the future for yourself. Hope it works out for you. :-)


Happy to hear from you. Just take your time with the renovations and dont stress too much. Still hoping for the pink-hair succubus video from the teaser 😍

Convenience or Death

Thank you aftyn, you don't owe us anything while the patreon is paused, any updates and videos are a complete bonus. Good luck with the rest of the renovations! <3


Thank you for the message aftyn, its very reassuring that your keeping us informed. That said please don't worry yourself. I for one don't mind being patient, especially if you can relax. Glad your feeling better from your tumble and here's hoping you stay healthy and happy.

James Bogucheski

Shopping around I saw this real life sized Master Sword for sale. Stainless steel. Should I buy it? It looks rad.


Thank you for the update! New patron here but plenty of past content to binge while waiting. Take care <3


You have nothing to be disappointed about! You have been working hard, and we appreciate it all!! I’m glad your you’re doing okay after your fall!! I don’t know what to react about the unreleased videos. You pretty much covered everything 😅 You’ve always had high standards and I respect that, so I’ll just say even the videos you’ve said you didn’t like in that past have been fantastic. Regardless, you’re literally the best ASMRtist to have ever produced videos, and we will continue to be patient ☺️


Ouch...renovations can be tough, but renovations and falling on your face is definately worse. Hope you're all better soon, we're all looking forward to you returning when you're ready 🙂💚


no need to apologize and don't be disappointed in yourself! The videos you make are amazing! No rush on the renovations we don't need you getting hurt! :)

hend van duijn

It's okay, thank you for sharing, hope the renovations will go smoothly 😌


First of all, I'm not disappointed in you at all. Home renovations are major endeavors and take so much focus and energy. It's so good to hear from you. I'm sending you a big hug and some extra energy cause it sounds like you need it. I think taking this time to work on yourself as you improve your space is such a good idea. I trust your judgement on the videos. I'm so sorry you took a tumble but I'm glad you got some rest and are much better now. Just take things one step at a time. It will all work out fine. The weather is great here too and the roses are blooming! So of course I think of you when I see them. Sending another hug. It's all going to work out. I believe in you.

Dominic Osborne

Don't even know why or when I crossed a particular Reddit post with exactly these complaints but glad to have you address them in detail. It's been this long and we're still here so hopefully you can keep counting on the support and that you'll be honest with us with delays so there's no hard feelings.


Aftyn, you are beautiful. Always.

Dominic Osborne

Bacon.. pancakes.. eggs.. what cooking possibilities would be most appetizing though...


Loved your Christmas 🎄cookie clip well loved all!

Michael Zubas

Aww, You remind me of myself. Your too hard on yourself, Aftyn. Patience is a Virtue not a lotta people have, and I'm sure your attention to Quality will pay off in the end. Just be Confident in yourself, Be the ASMR Trendsetter you know you are, and keep fighting for a better You today, and tomorrow. Make Objectives for your day to day life so the overall goal isn't always whats on your mind, But always part of the Plan. Can't wait for the next awesome Cosplay Video. And I appreciate the helping me go to Sleep videos too. Watch those Bob Ross marathons on Twitch on the weekend, maybe that'll help you reading your Proverbial Chi.


Maybe you could set up Patreon to charge per video post? Then you won't feel pressure to produce a certain amount of content, you just post when you can and patreons are only charged for each video. Either way I plan to stick around and keep supporting you and look forward to what you have planned for us :)


Aw, Aftyn! I want to give you a big hug! You don't need to be so hard on yourself! We all love you here and just want the best for you! :) Cuddle with your pets, snuggle with your Snorlax plushie (I'm still so jealous you have a Snorlax plushie) and take some deep breaths. :) Love you, Aftyn!


P. S. Been watching a lot of your older stuff while you are paused. Those Mandalas are still really cool. And spending lots of time in nature visiting some cool waterfalls.


Yikes! Glad you are feeling better after your fall. Be well!


I hope you are okay and I will appreciate any content whenever you release it! I am going through Aftyn withdrawal!


Hiring helpers? I'm in!


Understandable life happens, you're doing the right thing business wise by pausing the billing 👍🏽 take your time.

Jonathan R.

Take your time, we’re eager and waiting to see all your Aftyn-ness but no need for extra stress. Every night take a breath and try and think of that one thing that you accomplished today or will accomplish tomorrow that will make things better moving forward 😊 An Aftyn in her full glory and comfy habitat is always worth the wait 😉


Ah, Aftyn is a perfectionist like me.. Sadly it's not a good thing, it's a curse which needs heavy, deep meditation and knowing ones self to overcome..


Thank you for the update. I hope you will get well soon, but take all the time you need ;)

Joseph Winchester

Thank you for the update! 💚 Do be careful and take care of yourself, Aftyn! 🙂 🌹 Also, FWIW, please don’t feel bad about not being able to release content while you’re busy renovating. You’re only one person doing audio and video pre-production, production AND post production, and the time and emotional effort you put into each must be tremendous as it is, so I totally get it. Patreon is a platform for fans to support artists and their craft, not just to buy things or whatever. I’d feel fantastic to be able to contribute to your renovations if you kept charging these months, cuz isn’t that part of what fully supporting an artist on Patreon is about? Helping them develop and improve their craft in whatever supportive way possible? Anyways, I’m STOKED to see what you come up with once all is done and ready. You always surprise me in the best way and don’t disappoint 💚 plus you’re always looking to improve. AND you have a ton of released videos to go back to in the meantime anyways 🥰 (My heart dropped when you said you hurt yourself. Was it after filming that Snapchat video?) Anyways, can’t wait to see what’s next!! 😍

Kaz Miller

i hope you didnt get too banged up. take your time. renovations are a lot of work, so no pressure.

Jon Wane

No need to apologise take all the time you need

Matt G (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 14:51:07 Sweetheart, we all love you &lt;3 Please take more care of yourself (the tumble/fall), &amp; just be extra careful all 'round. I only have so much tape here for repairs ^_^. On another note dear, you do tend to hold too high a scrutiny upon yourself. Please try to be less critical on yourself (even though I completely understand how difficult that is, to have very high expectations on oneself, especially in your creative mode). Just know, I know I'm more than happy with just seeing anything from you, at any time, be it creative, or simply a note saying how you're doing (I know I'm not the only of your subscribers that's very relieved to hear from you here). You're an amazing, creative, &amp; beautiful young woman, &amp; I'm glad to hear from you, anytime :) Lots of love always, from central VA.
2021-04-20 11:30:44 Sweetheart, we all love you <3 Please take more care of yourself (the tumble/fall), & just be extra careful all 'round. I only have so much tape here for repairs ^_^. On another note dear, you do tend to hold too high a scrutiny upon yourself. Please try to be less critical on yourself (even though I completely understand how difficult that is, to have very high expectations on oneself, especially in your creative mode). Just know, I know I'm more than happy with just seeing anything from you, at any time, be it creative, or simply a note saying how you're doing (I know I'm not the only of your subscribers that's very relieved to hear from you here). You're an amazing, creative, & beautiful young woman, & I'm glad to hear from you, anytime :) Lots of love always, from central VA.

Sweetheart, we all love you <3 Please take more care of yourself (the tumble/fall), & just be extra careful all 'round. I only have so much tape here for repairs ^_^. On another note dear, you do tend to hold too high a scrutiny upon yourself. Please try to be less critical on yourself (even though I completely understand how difficult that is, to have very high expectations on oneself, especially in your creative mode). Just know, I know I'm more than happy with just seeing anything from you, at any time, be it creative, or simply a note saying how you're doing (I know I'm not the only of your subscribers that's very relieved to hear from you here). You're an amazing, creative, & beautiful young woman, & I'm glad to hear from you, anytime :) Lots of love always, from central VA.


Aftyn, do your dream studio and come back with your lovely and beautiful smile. I will be there for your come back 😘

Peter Vreeman

Take your time building your dream. We’ll be here when you get back. And don’t apologize for not making video’s. There is plenty to look back and keep me excited for new ones. Good luck and take care of yourself😘😘


Give us some unreleased vids please, unfinished content is still a million times better than no content. Peace and love


you don't have to be sorry! you're going through a lot and we're in the middle of a pandemic. delays are gonna happen. charge me or not, i just wanna know you're safe, healthy and okay. lastly, sorry to hear you fell on your face. glad you've healed from that!


Just a suggestion 🤔 Why not make a compilation of the good parts from your teased clips? I know it will be quite some editing but it seems like such a waste to not release those clips at all


No apologies needed here. Do yourthing! I'll still be here :)


Where can I find her Snapchat ?


Hi aftyn, please understand that I love your content it's the one thing that's been kinda getting me through the whole covid thing but I have not seen anything new from you in almost a month now, please don't think I do not understand you have a life outside of us as well but it kinda feels like when you need us we're always here waiting for you and it seems like you consistently take advantage of it because when we need you we a e lucky to get even a reply, I'm just grousing because I'm lonely, bored, and going stir crazy please post something please anything right now I just want to feel the tingles thanks


your procrastinating again Aftyn lol

DB Cooper

i think you need to attempt and be less critical of your content. at this point i don't think poor quality videos will result in people leaving its the videos that never come thats the worst. im pretty sure people generally would prefer more consitent lower quality content compared to perfectionist videos that rarely come out. sidepoint: Please release more ear eating/licking videos ily

Eric Allen

Aftyn, Pleeeeeassse release the "car" video, it is so nice and so sexy as it is just the natural you! Hoping and praying you dont decide to hold this one back!!!


you guys need to chill just have some form of patience o.o


Why would she make a studio in order to not make content...... Sounds like there may be a few holes there 🤔


It's people like you that let her feel like her procrastinating is okay, even when she makes a commitment to something else, I'm one of the most patient individuals you'll ever meet but I am also very blunt when I feel that I'm being taken advantage of so digihex maybe keep your namaste to yourself next time

Brian Long

Well looks like she made a studio to do absolutely nothing dumb ass because she still hasn't posted shit so next time fuck off with your stupid comments