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Happy Sunday! I hope you've all had a great week and a relaxing weekend. I've missed you guys so much! It felt to me like this was a very long week. Maybe because I've been working so hard and have big news that I'm excited to share!

Next weekend I will begin renovating my recording studio! I will be redoing the ceiling, the walls AND the floor and soundproofing everything!! I've never done anything like this before but I have a family of self sufficient experts and they're very excited to help. This will be the first part of my house that I get to customize and I can't wait <3 I think you'll notice a huge boost in the quality of my audio/videos and you'll love the new setting! And my overall happiness and motivation will increase, I am sure, which is always a good thing! Since this room is where I spend so much time, having it feel and look nice is important.

I CANT WAIT to get started on this and I never would have been able to without you guys! It's been my dream for so long to one day have my own sound proofed recording studio. Even before I knew I wanted to make ASMR I knew I wanted a fancy studio! My heart is so full of love and appreciation and excitement <3

So I had a very productive week planning and recording as many new videos as possible to get ahead a little! Maybe I would have one of them ready for you today if I had spent less time recording and more time editing, but that was not the case! I plan on having a heavy edit week and releasing a new Patreon video within the next couple of days!

I do however have a YouTube video that I was able to finish this morning! I intend to share it with the rest of the world soon, but I want you guys to see it first <3

I'm excited to make YouTube videos again even if it's only once or twice a month. It's nice to make a chill, tingly video just for the sake of tingles and chilling. I thought since my last YouTube video was a fluffy good night one, the one I return with should be a fluffy good morning video! I hope it makes you feel loved and relaxed and ready for anything the day brings!

Thank you for reading my updates and plans, and being ever so wonderful! I love you guys so much! Please share all the thoughts you have on this stuff because I want to share the excitement together :) 

much much looove,



Fluffy Good Morning Tingles

Good morning youuu! you've been asleep for almost two years! Holy shit dude


Joseph Winchester

Ideally, building a room-within-a-room would be the best way to go for sound isolation, but understandably not always possible. Depending on where the sounds are mostly originating from (what walls are connecting / shared with other rooms), you might be able to get away with building just floating walls to dampen the vibration, rather than building a whole room-within-a-room. The ceiling would be a bit tricky though, depending on the height and size and the fact that they are what vibrate the most in a house from the walking around above... Big and exciting project indeed!! And well worth it for everyone in the end 🥰 😘 The geek in me is SO looking forward to seeing how this will all pan out! 🤓


I love you too ❤️


Glad to see your return to yt. Love the relaxing, tingly vibes while looking at you 🥰


when I listen to you I have chills all over my lower back ... delicious. back to basic is good

Lit Dank

I mess with this


So happy for you Aftyn :) that's really great


So great to hear your family is on board! I look forward to the new studio, although your sound is already the best in the business. Fluffy mic scratching, by the way, shoots right to my core. I'll be listening to this one a bunch!


That’s exciting news, I can’t imagine your sound quality improving, you so soothing and the best. New studio will be incredible! I hope to see more cos play with the new set up &lt;3


Great to hear you’re getting your dream studio! Can’t wait to see it 🥰

Jon Wane

Im glad I waited too excellent video I really enjoyed it. Thank you again 😘