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Hello my patrons,

Thank you for being so patient and kind to me these past six months. I am so thankful for the break, and for all of you. I'm sorry I didn’t handle leaving very gracefully, I know it is frustrating to hold out hope for someone who gives so little but I appreciate that so many of you have stuck around and given me space when I’ve needed it. I hope to come back strong and I am very excited to be back! I am going to try to make achievable goals this year and not be so upset when things don’t meet my expectations. I want to have fun with all of you and produce sexy loving ASMR, without the stress I’ve put on myself in the past. Most importantly I want to be here with you! I’ve missed you guys and I am very optimistic about 2021<3 

I plan to release new content again very soon, and there will be more on that later, but I will also release some videos to compensate for the aborted July-releases.

I am so happy, and just a little nervous, to finally release something after such a long break. It had to start off with another music video! To keep tradition going, and because it’s so much fun for me to make them! So I compiled a bunch of my favorite moments from 2020 videos, and some snippets from videos that never got released or perhaps have yet to be released. I got very excited while making this and I hope it excites you too<3

I love you guys<3



The 2020 AMV people actually asked for!

A little music video, the songs are Brb and M0rgan Stop, by Kitty



So where are the vids from the last three min 😍😍


Let's not start putting pressure on her, please. When she wants, will publish everything.


Time to wait 6 months :)


If any of those new clips in that music video were ones that didn't meet your expectations, then I think we can all agree that those looked fantastic and are hoping that you release them some day!


Hey Aftyn, I don't know if this is what this channel is for and if it isn't feel free to ignore this. I know that you have your own demons/problems and that’s personal, that has nothing to do with any of us which is completely normal. It’s fine to take as much time as you need to deal with that, everybody understands and hell, everybody loves your stuff. You’ve gained almost a thousand patreons in a week just because you mentioned that you were back. You have an irreplaceable place in this community, there’s no doubt about the fact that you make great videos, you could take a 5 years break and people would still be there when you come back. But to me your biggest shortcoming as a content creator is your lack of communication. As I’ve said, there’s no issue with you taking however long you need to settle personal matters but it’d be great to have any kind of communication. Even if you announced that you wouldn’t release a video for another month or two, it’d still be better than to just be left in the dark, hoping anything happens. I hope you don’t take this badly, I’m just trying to voice a belief that I believe to be common for a good part of your community.


Well .. This was a waste of money ..............


How, exactly? When you subscribe you get access to all previous videos. When Aftyn takes a break she pauses payments for existing subscribers so that they don’t get charged.


Best AMV ever

hend van duijn

And here we go again with the flipping hate, sorry guys and girls, but she just came back, give her time to settle in again, if we put pressure on her she will rush things and go in the downward spiral again! So stop it and be patient...


yes, like someone said earlier: the whole amv makes up for the past six moths and even if she uploads a new video in 2 -3 weeks after her come back, its worth the wait. still, i visit the website 2-5 times a day being patiently unpatient..


I think what is getting to alot of folks is the lack of a path forward. We are just sitting here not knowing if and when new content will be revealed. I understand that its her gameplan and her choice, I'm just saying what I'm sure a great deal of people are thinking. "Will we ever see those videos teased in the AMV?" "Will she upload once every few weeks? Once a month? Once every couple of months? Or whenever the mood strikes her" "Are the trolls right? And this AMV was a ploy to get people to flock back to her for finacial gain (I personally doubt this, but it is a prevailing theory on the web).?" We would just like some semblance of clarity. I personally would just ask for a time frame of new uploads (a window that doesn't have to met on the dot, but has a target area that allows more leeway on her part). And an answer to whether or not we'll see the rest of those videos we saw in the AMV. I think that's fair.


patreon people are like street performers, you tip them in their guitar case and watch when they are there, they dont have to follow any schedule and you dont have any right to know when she does anything, get the fuck over it.


dont be that harsh. to be fair, u tip them WHEN they are there. no one tips an empty case just standin there without a performer. but i get ur point


Again... she doesn’t charge on months where she pauses and doesn’t post.


If you’re a regular patron, it probably doesn’t bother you, i get it. But you have to see things from the perspective of irregular or new patrons who pay thinking there’s going to be new content. They still get charged on a paused month. So what some of these folks complaining would want is maybe some sort of a heads up on when a dirty thirty post can be expected for example, or if Aftyn isn’t feeling well all of a sudden and planned uploads probably won’t happen she could let us know somehow. I became a patron on July 2019 &amp; 2020 and didn’t get any new dirty thirty videos, which was a real bummer for someone who recently started working and was still very conscious of spending $30


Y'all I bought this big cheesecake sampler because I made the mistake of not eating lunch before I went grocery shopping. I'm pretty particular about my cheesecake and have had my share of disappointments. I've had a few pieces from this sampler (you know those little bite-sized squares you see sometimes at parties), and they're real good. They're creamy, and just sweet enough without becoming too sweet, but to be honest I really have no business eating this entire thing. What do I do with all this damn cheesecake? It feels wrong to just throw it away.


Welcome back


Holy shit broh. I voiced legitimate and common concerns coming from this community and mans reacted by ripping my nuts off. Look, I don’t have a Patreon, but I do have a *very* small YT channel. I may have only 12 subs as of writing this, but you bet your sweet ass I gave updates on channel happenings. For example, I’ve been on break due to issues related to a cyst I had taken off of my foot. TL;DR: I’m on medical leave and I don’t have the patience to wait 7 and a half hours of so for a single video to upload without using anything else that so much as touches the web connection. But I told people what the deal was. And I have been recording let’s plays, cooking vids, and hammering out educational vids while I’m stuck at home. I finished 2 let’s play series (World in Conflict and A Plague Tale), recorded a Creme Brûlée video, and I’ve got the first few bits of my first Pre-Colonial American History video (it’s about Leif Erikson’s voyage to Vinland, now believed to have been somewhere around the Gulf of Saint Lawerence, and the events that led up to it). All that is coming down the pipe the day I go back to work, because I upload while I’m at work. I keep my signatores posted, be it 12 or 12 million of them. I treat other people the way I would want to be treated, and if I can keep my small base updated on what is going on, I know Aftyn could. Lastly, I don’t mean to shill for my own shit, but could you give ya boy a visit on YT. Big prec, adepto bonum my dudes and dudettes.

Michael Zubas

like the Phoenix, you raise once again.