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Helloo, I'm sorry for the delay! I’ve had a hectic week and am not enjoying my headspace very much lately. I love you guys so much though, and I will always love you and I think things will fall into a good new normal soon.

Here I have two new videos for you! You got some up close kissy, brushy triggers and also a nice tingly ear massage with lotsa eye contact. My little dog Yoko makes an appearance as well! These are some of my favorite triggers to have on in the background and I hope you enjoy them too!<3

Here is also the archive for the most recent other casual tier videos for those of you who have been missing them! Thank you all for being patient and understanding with me and with Mega. I'm lucky to have such wonderful Patrons :)

casual archive

Password: casual20

Brushes and kisses

Ear massages and eye contact


Gearoid deBhailis

Take your time dear heart, we are more then willing to wait. And thank you as always 😘


Sending hugs and good vibes your way, Aftyn🥰💖If you need anything at all, you know we're all here for you💖Your content has been a constant source of joy in my life, and your kindness always warms my heart🥰I can't wait to drift off with these latest masterpieces streaming in my ears...you really are wonderful, Aftyn🤗💖



Convenience or Death

You spoil us Aftyn! Suuper tingly and lovely as always, really enjoyed both videos. And hoping you’re in a bit better headspace now or are working towards it. You deserve to be happy. Sending all my love &lt;3

Dominic Osborne

Looks at file name..👀 😳 welp got my hopes up at least😭

Jens Van Schuylenbergh

Take care of yourself Aftyn, we'll be patient cuz you've shown us plenty of kindness in return for it!

Jerry hsu

Wish i could do something to help Aftyn &lt;3


I am dead serious when I say that you are an absolute blessing to me. Thank you for everything you've done.


Hey hi, Aftyn, I hope it's getting better for you, take your time otherwise. Good days will always come back, and we are here together to support each other when someone is feeling down 💙. Thank you for the 2 videos, very tingly, relaxing and appeasing ; and for all the things you do for us 🥰 ! Sending all the love and good vibes ! 💙💙


Hope your doing well, hugs

Steven Hauchentaus

Hiya Aftyn, we all hope you are well. You are such a sweetheart. Please take all the time you need to sort out everything necessary! Youre a gorgeous human being and such a loving, caring, empathetic, and sympathetic soul. That is self evident. I hope I can give something back by stating how much you mean to all of us and how grateful we all are for everything you do. Sending all the love and all the hugs and positive vibes. Bless x

Austin (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-11 16:03:29 Love ya Aftyn, I hope you're doing well. &lt;3
2020-06-12 02:28:43 Love ya Aftyn, I hope you're doing well. <3

Love ya Aftyn, I hope you're doing well. <3