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It is a sad day. 

I have contacted the Vimeo staff to dispute the violation, and I think they will come around! but in the meantime my videos won't be available on here or Vimeo so I hope you've downloaded your favorites! >.< I'm sorry about all this

I'll wait to hear back about my dispute before making any decisions, but if it comes to this I'll just have to find a new way to share my videos with all of you! And don't worry, they are all backed up and ready to be re-uploaded wherever we end up going (if need be). And if you have any suggestions, let me know!

I am a bit surprised and frustrated that this happened! I wish that Vimeo wasn't so strict, sheesh. but we will adapt! And in the meantime, I appreciate your patience <3 

also, now that I have no content on here, it doesn't make sense to charge you, so I will pause the billing cycle until this is resolved. Use the bit of extra money to buy yourselves something special! 




Bruce Bromley

Sorry to hear this, Aftyn. You might look into what a few have already suggested, OnlyFans. I've seen alot of creators flocing to that lately. Also, thank you for suspending billing while this is being rectified.


That stinks. According to their TOS they do not allow explicit or pornographic content. I think you were kinda riding the edge there but still on the artistic side, while sexual the content was not actually pornographic. They also allow artistic nudity. Wishing you luck with them or finding a new host. "Of course, Vimeo respects creative expression above all else. That’s why we allow depictions of nudity and sexuality that serve a clear creative, artistic, aesthetic, or narrative purpose" seems like one of those eye of the beholder situations.


Hopefully it'll sort itself out! I'd hate to lose access to some of your earlier content because it's all so amazing! :(


So sorry to hear that Aftyn, knew I should have downloaded them 😂 If you’re just looking for secure file storage, you could set up a Mega.nz account (50GB free) and then share your files from there (fully password protected) 💜




I know next to nothing about tech,etc but Vimeo terms of agreement useage has under content section 5.2 a provision against sexual nature material.It may be something completely diff &amp; for Aftyn’s sake I hope it resolves itself but perhaps that may be a reason.Just trying to help with a possible reason.


Sounds like a bunch of jealous losers spam reporting your videos, ironic seeing as the only way to view them is to have the password, that's paid for....

Donovan Steele

Go to onlyfans. It sucks not having your content.


There is definitely a difference between sensual and pornographic. Not really sure how non-nude relaxing eroticism would be offensive. Especially since it’s for private use.


is really frustrating, here on this platform we have the same problem

Ryan Smith

What about LBRY?

J-Vibes Gaming

Does anyone have a mega of the videos? I just became a member but didn't know the videos were down :'(


Links the the Dabbler and Enthusiasts tier megas can be found in the 2 latest Patreon posts