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Hello everyone! Hope you’re doing well and staying healthy and feeling safe. I love you all and to make things a little easier for everyone who might be struggling I’ve decided not to charge anyone on April 1st. I want this to be a stress free zone! Many of us are worried and bored so lets do our best to stay calm, smart and positive and be there for each other ❤️

the discord is a nice place to connect and I’ve been really wanting to stream lately so hopefully that can happen soon and we’ll have a nice long hangout. In the meantime I hope you’ve all been finding fun ways to cope with the current situation! I will be playing lots of animal crossing :)


Love you all, and I hope you have a relaxing weekend ❤️




Thank you miss ! You are the angel we need :)


No disrespect to anyone else but I don't think I've ever seen an asmrtist treat their patrons as well as you do


what is animal crossing? lol


Everything is fine, hope you're doing well too :) Thank you, Affy, have a good weekend as well 💙


Thank you Aftyn for being so kind and considerate I hope you're staying safe and healthy too.


You are way to kind! honestly you make it so easy to want to support you! thank you aftyn and I hope you stay safe, healthy and happy!


Aftyn thinking of your safety, during this time if you receive any packages such off you wish list or otherwise please use proper precautions with them. Do not touch or open them for at least 24 hours. If they are in a high risk area and subject to damage or theft use gloves to move them and wash your hands immediately after handling and again do not open for 24 hours. Your safety, health and happiness is a top priority with me. Thinking of you, your one blue cat


With the huge surge in medical research and funding this outbreak is causing, I expect to see some significant advancements in the near future. Question is, Aftyn, would you let us all have a clone of you when the technology is available? We'll give them all neko ears so we can tell the real one from the copies.

housevil (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-03 15:41:41 This is a wonderful gesture. Thank you. How about ann"im jot touching you" video where you wear gloves & a mask, to mark the occasion.
2020-03-23 07:10:28 This is a wonderful gesture. Thank you. How about ann"im jot touching you" video where you wear gloves & a mask, to mark the occasion.

This is a wonderful gesture. Thank you. How about ann"im jot touching you" video where you wear gloves & a mask, to mark the occasion.


I'd like to become a partner in the Aftyn clone project.


is everything ok?