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Hello everyone!

I have a few updates and announcements I'd like to make, and I've organized them into categories of what tiers they most likely apply to. If you know something doesn't apply to you feel free to skip it but these announcements could be important to anyone so I'm sharing them all in one big post! 

~ $1 Tier ~

I wanted to update you on the whereabouts of your name trigger videos. I have combined the June and July names, with some ear licking, and am currently editing it. I hope to have it uploading overnight then available tomorrow! 

Also please if you haven't been accepted to my instagram, kokiri_snooze, and are interested in some extra Aftyn, my instagram is the place to go for body positive photos, ASMR updates, short videos, different outfits that I want to show off, or other random things.




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I got really distracted for way too long making that..wow. I just wanted a makeshift shrug emoji... But I guess she will now replace my usual selfie that I post with the instagram reminder.  

~ $5 Tier ~

I've been working on another video that I want to start doing for you all at the beginning of every month. I would like to share some of the ideas I have for upcoming content and ask questions about how you're doing, how you've been enjoying my content, what you'd like more or less of, things like that in a short 'start of the month video'. I could include polls and it would just be nice to dedicate that time to check in with you guys. 

~ $20 Tier ~

I realized that I can now change my billing method to charge new patrons upfront, so I have gone ahead and changed that setting. If this for some reason has already caused any issues for you let me know.

Now I can post the passwords alongside new videos without any worries :) and you no longer have to wait to get accepted to anything or wait for new content! This is much better for everyone.

I have gone through and edited my past video posts and changed them to include the appropriate password so now you can all go check those out :) Thank you for being so patient and bearing with me while I work out the kinks in my Patreon. 

~$30 Tier~

I am going on a trip this month for about a week on August 10th, I will try to make a video while I'm away- it looks like the hotel I'm staying at has a nice bath and pool so I may utilize those. I plan on sharing the trip thoroughly on Snapchat and Instagram, however I'm going to have the Custom Draw Live Stream start later in the month. I've scheduled it for August 18th at 3:00pm EST STD. Hopefully I'll come into it with many stories of my adventure and we'll have an awesome time together :) start thinking of what you might like the theme/character who shows up to be!  

Concluding Statements <3

Thank you guys for everything, you're so generous and patient, and wonderful and I am eternally grateful to have you. I hope you enjoyed July and are as excited about what is to come as I am!

-Love, Aftyn



Wait I’m tier 3 how do I get to the stream! :(