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"As we were surrounded, she brandished the dark rod. To our astonishment, the ground quaked and bubbled, oozing creatures rising and forming by her side. Their gelatinous forms slid forward, their very presence shifting the battlefield dynamics. I turned to her in awe and asked, 'What was that?!' She simply smiled and whispered, 'An old friend from the depths.'"

When these aged, dark bone pieces came into my workshop, I couldn't help but marvel at the almost palpable essence of the Black Dragon's energy it contained. Working with dragon bone is no simple task, especially that of a Black Dragon. The scales and bones of these magnificent creatures store vast arcane energies, and the slightest miscalculation or imperfect manipulation can lead to cataclysmic releases of power, corroding the very material you are working on.

However, as I began the careful process of understanding and harnessing its energies, I felt the ebb and flow of ancient swamps, the viscosity of primeval oozes, and the silent, ever-watchful gaze of the Black Dragon whose essence was forever bound to the rod. It was a dance of craftsmanship and respect, a balance between my skills and the rod's latent, untamed power.

Now wield it with caution. Call upon the oozes to aid you, to become a living extension of your will on the battlefield. But remember, the black dragon’s acid corrodes it all.



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