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I've forged, shaped, and molded countless materials. Yet, there remain some that are as treacherous as they are intriguing. The bone of the green dragon ranks high among these. With its vibrant hues reminiscent of the deepest forests, one might be lured into thinking it a benign entity. In truth, it's a formidable testament to the venomous wrath of the very beast from which it came.

Handling a green dragon bone is a lesson in caution. Its surface is inexplicably tacky, sticking to any surface it contacts. A prolonged touch is not only uncomfortable but perilous. The bone continually exudes a potent aroma, sharp and intoxicating. Crafters or any unfortunate soul who remains in its proximity too long will soon find themselves besieged by waves of nausea and vertigo. An even longer exposure? That ventures into the realm of poisoning.

The marrow nestled within this sinister bone is a study in contrasts. While the bone itself is a vessel of virulence, its marrow serves as a potent catalyst in alchemical concoctions. Alchemists of repute have whispered of its capacity to enhance even the most benign of toxins, rendering them lethal. Conversely, with the right knowledge and technique, it can be the primary ingredient in crafting powerful antidotes.

There are those who've dared to fashion spoons and other utensils from green dragon bone, claiming that when used in alchemical preparations, it has the unparalleled ability to intensify weaker poisons. Such tools are the domain of the brave or the foolish, often straddling the line between both.

In wielding the bone of the green dragon, one walks the knife's edge between potent potential and impending peril. But for those with the knowledge and courage to harness its power, the rewards could be immeasurable.

Proficiency Needed

Working with the relics of such ancient and powerful creatures is no simple task, and dragon bones are among the most challenging materials to master. Their inherent magic and elemental properties demand not only precise and skilled craftsmanship but also a deep understanding of the arcane.

To properly harness and carve these bones, proficiency in Bone-carving Artisan Tools is essential. The intricate nature of dragon bones, teeming with trapped energies and ancient memories, requires specialized tools and techniques to shape without causing fractures or dissipating the entrapped magical essence.

One cannot merely rely on the tools. The arcane energies woven into every fiber of the bone necessitate a solid foundation in Arcana knowledge. Only with this understanding can a craftsman truly discern how the elemental magics within the bone resonate and behave, ensuring that the final crafted item retains its potency and stability.

Known Uses

Most commonly, the skeletal remains of these ancient titans are transformed into weaponry and armor of unparalleled might. Beyond martial applications, dragon bones have proven instrumental in the crafting of arcane implements. Elemental wands and rods made from these remains are particularly powerful, drawing directly from the raw elemental core of the dragon.

But it's not just the solid structure of the bone that's of value. The marrow hidden within has been the key ingredient in numerous alchemical concoctions and in the hands of specialized brewers and culinary experts, can be used in the crafting of gastronomical masterpieces that not only satiate the palate but imbue the consumer with temporary magical enhancements.


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