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Item 5

Tags: Conjuration, Bomb, Consumable, Darkness


This bomb was first crafted by a powerful sorcerer to unleash the power of the Shadow Realm upon the battlefield. With a single detonation, it tears a hole in the fabric of reality and summons forth a fragment of the realm of shadows itself, unleashing its dark and twisted magic upon the mortal world.

The air grows thick and heavy, and a profound silence descends, broken only by the sound of one's own heartbeat. It's as if the world itself has been swallowed by an endless void, where even light cannot escape. A 20-foot area around the bomb becomes engulfed in magic darkness, and no sound or nonmagical light can be created within or pass through the area.

The effect lasts for 1 minute, after that the darkness slowly dissipates.

Hands 1; Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L

Activate  Strike


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