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Item 7

Tags: Conjuration, Consumable, Magic, Water


Imbued with the essence of a Water Elemental, this +1 striking magic kunai was first crafted in an ancient monastery at a time when magic and elemental energies ran rampant across the land. It is entirely made of water, but while the parchment in its hilt is active the dagger is solid and has a soft, icy texture. This magic dagger causes cold damage, instead of regular piercing damage.

When an activated Suiryū hits the target you may call upon the power of the trapped elemental, releasing a wave from within the parchment to attempt to enclose a target in a floating sphere of water.

If the target is medium or smaller it can attempt a DC25 Reflex save to avoid being engulfed within the water sphere's strong current.

Critical Success The target is unaffected. The water splashes into the ground and vanishes.

Success The target is pushed 5ft away from the sphere of water, then the sphere splashes into the ground and vanishes.

Failure The creature becomes grabbed and must hold its breath or begin suffocating (unless it can breathe in water). The creature and anyone trying to affect it follows the normal rules for aquatic battles. An engulfed creature can get free by Escaping against a DC25.

Critical Failure The creature becomes grabbed and water enters its nose and mouth causing 2d6 cold damage. The number of rounds in which the creature can hold its breath is reduced by half. The creature must hold its breath or begin suffocating (unless it can breathe in water). The creature and anyone trying to affect it follows the normal rules for aquatic battles. An engulfed creature can get free by Escaping against a DC25.

Activate: 1 Action - Interact Frequency: Consumable



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