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Wondrous Item, very rare

This small wooden chest has an enchantment that allows it to shrink and grow, doing the same to the content inside of it. The chest has three charges, and regains all spent uses every day at dawn.

As a bonus action, you can expend a charge of this magic Item and press the button inside the lid, making the chest shrink until it fits in your hand. No matter how full the chest is, when it's reduced in this way, it weighs only 2 pounds. If an item is removed while the chest is still reduced, the Item returns to its standard size after 1d4 minutes. You can speak this item command word to make the item regrow immediately (no action required). The chest returns to its normal size when you use a bonus action to press the button on its lid again.

This chest can uphold 12 cubic feet or 300 pounds of gear.


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