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Quarterstaff, legendary (requires attunement)

This magic quarterstaff is made of a special type of wood taken from trees that developed a strong connection to primal magic. A whitebark covers most of this staff, and you can always find some kind of vegetation growing in it. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Every day at dawn, ten red berries sprout from this quarterstaff. The berries duplicate the effect of a Goodberry spell. In addition, while you attune to this quarterstaff, you know the "druidcraft" cantrip as if it were from your class's spell list.

Primal Garden. You can use this quarterstaff to enchant a living tree and perform a 1-hour ritual to transform the area around it into a Primal Garden. Whitebark begins to cover the tree, and its roots spread a wave of vitality for a 30-ft radius. Green, healthy grass starts to grow, all normal plants become thick and overgrown, and twice the normal amount of fruits and flowers sprout from them.

While within the Primal Garden, as an action, you can touch the enchanted three and speak this staff’s command word to increase the vitality wave for 1 minute. For the duration, whenever a creature moves to 5 feet from the tree for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, they restore 1d6 hit points. You can use these abilities once a day. The effect of the Primal Garden lasts for 24 hours. After that, the area slowly goes back to normal.

Safehaven. Once a day, you can use your action to touch a living tree with this quarterstaff and speak its command word to transform it into a portal gate. You and up to 6 willing creatures that touch the tree at the same time as you activate this effect are immediately transported to the nearest Primal Garden created with this magic quarterstaff. The ability has no effect if there is no active Primal Garden in this plane of existence.



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