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Dagger, artifact (requires attunement by a Creature of Evil Alignment)

This claw is made with a striped piece of cloth and chunks of leather and metal. It looks like an old pile of junk for those who don't know its true power. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. When you hurt a creature with this claw, a magical red line that can only be spotted by spells like Detect Magic connects you to the cursed target and remains there for two days, or until one of you are no longer on the same plane of existence. Creatures that don't sleep, such as elves, can't be affected by this curse.

As long as the red line connects you to the target, you’ll always know when the creature is asleep. For as long as the creature remains unconscious, you can choose to fall asleep and invade the target’s dreams. You can shape the environment of the dream by creating landscapes, objects, and other images.

You can also begin combat against the creature within the dream. The creature has access to all items and spells it would have if it were awake. All damage the creature takes in the dream also affects it in real life. Inside the dream, you gain resistance to all damage.

At the end of each of its turns, the creature can make a DC17 Wisdom saving throw. It has disadvantage on this save unless it has suffered damage this round. The target can choose to fail this test. If it succeeds, it awakes. The creature gains no benefits from that rest. If the target drops to 0 hit points inside the dream, it dies.

You wake up if the target dies or is no longer asleep. For as long as you are inside the target’s dream, you can not awake as the veil of the nightmare world keep you away from your physical body. If you drop to 0 hit point while still inside the dream, the target awakes, and you go back to your body. Roll your death saves normally.



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