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Quarterstaff, rare (requires attunement)

This magic quarterstaff is made entirely by entwined vines. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. This quarterstaff has 3 charges and regains all expended uses every day at dawn.

When you hit a creature with this magic weapon you can expend one charge to make some of the vines attempt to entangle the target. The creature must succeed on a DC15 Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling vines. While restrained by this spell, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns as the vines tighten around it. A creature restrained by the vines or one that can touch the creature can use its action to make a DC15 Strength check. On a success, the target is freed.

In addition, you can expend one charge, use your action and speak the command word while holding this weapon on a surface made of dirt or stone to make it unroll and spread in a 20-foot square. While spread in this way the area becomes difficult terrain, and the vines are indistinguishable from natural vegetation. Any creature that searches for traps must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw to spot the magic vines.

You can spend your reaction while a creature you can see enters the vine area to speak its command word again and make the vines sprout to life. All creatures in the area must succeed on a DC15 Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling vines. When a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a DC15 Strength saving throw or be restrained by the entangling vines. A creature restrained by the vines can use its action to remake the Strength check. On a success, it frees itself.

The vines remain spread for 10 minutes, or until you dismiss the effect. Then it slowly regroups as the magic quarterstaff, this process takes 1 minute to complete.


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