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What are some ways, you think, I can improve my comics? Not exactly expecting expert advise here, just wanted to see what people were thinking.

My thoughts on this and plans to improve are...

My first plan is to slow down how much I need to get done in a month, to focus more on quality. I think my art has gotten worse because I've been rushing myself weekly. There has been times I straight up draw from the boards because I'm running behind.

Someone brought up my characters looking to similar, so my first plan is to draw different hairstyles and experiment with different colors. (Which I have been.) Phase two is I'm going to start referencing from other anime more to get better at drawing faces and hair. (I'm going to be using Erza's face (From Fairy Tail) for Rosario moving forward.)

Going to get more comic related writing books and get better at perspective to have panels that don't feel samey. Starting with Scott McClouds "Understanding Comics". Getting that book in January.  Any other suggestions are welcomed. I'm not planning on completely changing course, just mastering what I am doing.



More character variations? Sounds exciting