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There's been a lot this month. Sorry about that. Been meeting artists and talking to people who see that I kinda put myself through the wringer.

So here's what I'm doing starting in December.

So Fast Pass is going to be just to view comics early.

Saint Pass will be changed to Sight pass. You'll get to see the storyboards and line art.

Simp Pass is going to be changed to Poll Pass, which is going to be the one that can vote on the polls.

I should have lead with this, but I've been honestly doing the whole Patreon thing as I go...so I understand if it's frustrating, and if you don't want to stick around. HOWEVER, for those of you who stay, I appreciate you and will keep trying to improve as both a comic creator and artist. I feel like my improvements haven't been much in the past six month, but I've been learning how to set up the process better.

After the Rosario Peeping Tomboys comic. I put together that I should make character sheets before the comic and even the storyboards. (Because I wasn't happy with the outcome of that comic and realized that would have made it gone by so much better. It also makes the process go by waaay faster.) I've been winging this a lot. I also have more of a schedule planned out.

I am very new to making comics and it's basically my job now. A year ago if you told me I was posting six pages in a week, it would have blown my mind. I struggled to do 4 panels in a week, back then. The evidence is Dick to Damsel having pages that were 2 panels.

Anyways, this being basically a job. I'd like to afford things. Like Dental stuff. My teeth need fillings.
Drinking cold water has suuucked. I really want a treadmill, because sitting around drawing all day is getting me fat and it's Winter. My lungs get snotty when I run in the winter. Lifting weights is great, but it doesn't fix a gut!

Idk, if this will help me afford a treadmill, but that is the dream right now and my friends think I should do it.



do what you gotta do mate, no need to push yourself whatever you decide I'm gonna stick around :), and feel free to add a higher tier if you want , i'll pick it up