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Going to be posting Dick To Damsel Storyboards later today. Doing 2 pages.

I want to get to page 79 sooner then later. Really excited for page 79. (I'll be posting pages 73 and 74 on Thursday)

Sorry for making two polls. I don't plan to do it again. I just had mad writers block after the story I thought was winning lost.

Going to be posting the Cinderella one and the Vampire one in the polls next week. (Along with Punk to Princess.) I'm not removing them from the polls until they win. XD
I HAVE SUCH A GOOD IDEA FOR THE CINDERELLA ONE! The vampire one is just something I really want to do. lol

I didn't think of the vampire one until I made the poll. Accidentally clicked third option. Didn't know how to remove it, so I came up with it on the fly. Saw it was winning. Wanted to do it. Then the other one won. I'm a little heartbroken but I'll do this one justice. Despite my double heart break this week. XD



You could do a mixture of both where a vampire is magically transformed into Cinderella or something like that.

Bat Man

My ideas for both are very different, but I was thinking of adding two versions to the vampire lesbian one. One where she forces the sexiest dude into being a house wife. The other a pretty princess.