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I'm afraid the workload caught up to me and I'm slowing down a bit so I'll go back to doing just 1 pinup with variations like in the beginning.

I've been checking my lewd pictures and really they look really subpar in comparison to my pinups so I'll take a break.

If you where here just for the lewds, abandon ship. They'll probably come back later but for now I won't be doing any of those.

Anyways. If I work on only one picture a week I can put more effort, study a bit more, try new stuff.

Thanks for understanding and thank you for your amazing support! You guys make this all worth it :)




Take whatever time you need! I and many others will still be here to support you. :)


Do not even think to get rid of me ! I will stay here no matter what :) I love cute ladies and will stay here :) And be able to see more experiments will be really nice. I love when you go a bit more wilde like on Lucina character whit the perspectivity. So i am looking forward for your experiments :)


Its oke dude, i anyway will support you, but why not to just, you know, do more experimental artworks? Not in sense of lewd artworks but maybe even complete SFW artworks?


Your works are always superb, but I understand the feeling. Don't let your self esteem drag you down. I always love your works, so I will be continuing to support you. Take as much time as you need!


I'd like to improve my backgrounds to make more complex scenes. I really enjoyed doing the Samus pic :)


I support you 100% slow down a bit and take a break if you need, i personally never felt like your lewds were subpar, i always felt they were drawn good, but that been said the reason i follow you and pledge to you is for the pinups they are amazing and sexy and not many people do just pinups so im glad to hear you will be continuing to do them.

Tommy Jensen

I've loved your work for a long time! The lewd versions have always been the ising on the cake. Shame to see it go, sure, but not enough to stop supporting. Maybe have like one a month or something be lewd versions?? Or how about the once that wins the polls and gets the normal pinups, then have the last one of the month be a battle between say the runner up from last month and the three from the current month?? That way we can all have our cake and eat it to, and still there will only been one set to work with. Just a little suggestion, but it could be a fun one to do. Keep up the amazing work!! :-)


Don’t even sweat it my dude. You’ll only ever lose me if my finances go waaaay south. I love your art, always have, and whatever you wanna do is gravy