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Been kinda sleeping on this model, tbh forgot I had it but recently had a craving to make some Bayo stuff so please enjoy. I got plans for some more with her the model is really nice and a lot of fun to use. Censored and heavy-tattoo version available as per usual.

Question for those who enjoy the alt versions, I did pregnant alts for awhile there, but sadly sometimes the poses REALLY don't work out and make the belly look distorted and wrong. Is that an alt you would enjoy seeing more of? What about hairy alts? (Bush + armpits probably)

- 8K download for $5 tier and up:


- Watermark-free download for $10 tier and up:





Bushy and armpit hair alts would be amazing! (The bushier the better imo) They add a level of raw primal passion, especially together that I just love to see


fly me to the moon :3

Sock Chan

Definitely +1 on the hairy alts.


Thank you for the input. Hopefully in the future, if a render permits I will start providing hairy alts!


bit late to this but yeah would much prefer hairy to pregnant imo